Recent comments in /f/jerseycity

viniciusah t1_jef4hk6 wrote

> Too bad they chose a name that sounds downright scammy.

I know, right? They could do a better branding...

> know lots of people miss out on the NJ property tax credit for renters

Now I need to double check that! Two options: i. it's that easy and I don't even realize I got these credits, or ii. I'm missing on them. =D


flippenstance t1_jef0m5o wrote

On my morning walk yesterday I saw:





House finch

Brants Geese

Canada Geese



Grey Junco

Lots to see


bodhipooh t1_jef0g72 wrote

Reply to comment by viniciusah in Casual hit and run by driftingwood2018

It's particularly bad to cross at the intersection crossing Marin to/from O'Hara's. For whatever reason, people turning from 1st onto Marin to head North can seldom be bothered to wait for pedestrians and will often cut off people.


aa043 t1_jef0b3x wrote

NYC has an existing system, you can't run a red light at many intersections without getting a ticket. Overall compliance everywhere improves as culprits change habits or lose permits.

In NJ too many traffic violations are observed every day in addition to running stop signs and red lights. There is frequent crossing of solid lines, many without signalling. (Some vehicles, including trucks and Amazon delivery vans, take short cuts cutting through a Pulaski exit lane which has solid lines on both sides). Accidents on and near Pulaski show up on google maps all the time. Cameras could reduce accidents and big trucks on Pulaski would soon vanish.


bodhipooh t1_jef05nm wrote

It really is. Too bad they chose a name that sounds downright scammy. Lots of people stay away from it because it does sound sketchy, but I am thoroughly impressed by how easy and simple it is to use. AND, it does better than other platforms or professionals. For example, I know lots of people miss out on the NJ property tax credit for renters because it is a very unique thing not seen in other states.


robin_tern t1_jees90b wrote

Most likely a mockingbird, if it is in a built up area like Van Vorst Park. They are medium-small birds, grey/white with long tails.

My namesakes, Robins, are also vocal in the Jersey City parks, but I wouldn't describe their song as beautiful exactly.
