Recent comments in /f/jerseycity
nuncio_populi t1_jeftjdo wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
Wow! Talk about a convincing sales pitch.
“Hey, this city sucks and so do all of you losers. But this is why you should listen to me and change the picture on a subreddit for a city I don’t give two shits about.”
You, my friend, are about to make the Mickey Mouse commentator look like a genius.
Xciv t1_jeftdot wrote
Rarely do you ever hear about real life assassins, but when they show up on the news it's always crazy to think that these people are actually out there.
kittyglitther t1_jefstxl wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
So you don't like JC, you don't live in JC, but you have big luxury opinions on how the JC subreddit should operate?
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jefsl8k wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
So, you don’t like jersey city. But you want me to change the picture 😆
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jefrrxo wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
You're using the wrong version of the site... try
ten-ski t1_jefrl4u wrote
Reply to Can I build your site for free? by [deleted]
Super intersted, let me know if you still have room for one more.
Lokja t1_jefr1xu wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Jersey City Birds by luxuryparking_
Yeah I love this walk and watching the birds. Once even saw a Great Blue Heron, and Mockingbirds harassing an Osprey. The Brants are only here before they move further north so enjoy the funny honks they make now haha
FreedomComesWithRisk t1_jefqv4r wrote
Reply to Does the JC school system have a direct connection to 911? I hope that anyone calling 911 from within a school would not experience the recent 911 issues that seem to be chronic in this city. by Neat-Guarantee-4643
Where are these people coming from 😂🤣😂🤣 with these dumb ass sensational questions 😂🤣😂🤣
NewmomOldbody t1_jefp2nu wrote
Turtle Back zoo in West Orange
kokoromelody t1_jefotbb wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in Japanese Department and Grocery Store Teso Life Opening in Jersey City by mooseLimbsCatLicks
They have a few locations in NYC that I've been into. Kind of like Daiso, but more expensive and generally better quality products. Lots of skincare/beauty products, food/snacks, and various household items like bowls and plates, silverware, cooking utensils, etc.
Complex_Difficulty t1_jefnyts wrote
Reply to comment by Direct_Ad18 in Monthly rates at Newport Centre Parking Garage increasing again by FParker82
That garage is over 60% empty even at current prices. If they price equivalent to garages in more convenient locations, everyone would just park elsewhere.
Captain-Rhubarb t1_jefn9lj wrote
Reply to comment by mooseLimbsCatLicks in Jersey City Birds by luxuryparking_
The nature center also hosts wildlife walks, did one last year and can recommend. Saw some cool ducks.
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_jefn6kp wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in Japanese Department and Grocery Store Teso Life Opening in Jersey City by mooseLimbsCatLicks
No clue just seems unique and useful for the area
lordGwillen t1_jefn6c4 wrote
Complex_Difficulty t1_jefn1ah wrote
Reply to Japanese Department and Grocery Store Teso Life Opening in Jersey City by mooseLimbsCatLicks
About as Japanese as Superdry brand clothes are.
Anyways, hope they have good pricing. I’ve all but stopped shopping at Mitsuwa since their prices became ridiculously expensive for an expensive grocer.
FelixTaran t1_jefmqvh wrote
Reply to Jersey City Birds by luxuryparking_
There is also the Feminist Bird Club of JC, which has bird watching walks and things, esp around LSP. They’re on Instagram @fbc.jc.
GeorgeWBush2016 t1_jefly8k wrote
Reply to comment by No-Practice-8038 in I See People Around Downtown Walking around with Their Reusable Shop-Rite Shopping Baskets. Where Can I get One of These? by lastinglovehandles
I usually have have one, but I've still accumulated a bunch of unwanted reusable bags for the few times that I didn't.
I wish stores were setup so you could leave your excess reusable bags for other people to use, thus reducing the demand to manufacture more reusable bags. Like a leave a penny take a penny thing, except with reusable bags.
muertinez t1_jeflwmw wrote
Reply to comment by halocene_epic in Monthly rates at Newport Centre Parking Garage increasing again by FParker82
ah damn thought i was bout to save some moneyyy. thanks
[deleted] t1_jefl2rx wrote
Reply to comment by cC2Panda in Jersey City Birds by luxuryparking_
flapjack212 t1_jefkr57 wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in Japanese Department and Grocery Store Teso Life Opening in Jersey City by mooseLimbsCatLicks
if i remember correct it's a non-fixed-price version of daiso, which itself is almost like a dollar store but not everything is $1
so has household goods at relatively low prices
robin_tern t1_jefk7c6 wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Lawsuit: Flo Rida’s 6-year-old son in ICU, suffered serious injuries after falling from Jersey City apartment window by bottomless-mimosa
Surefire way to get a leak with those old radiator valves if you turn them on and off repeatedly :-)
I tell my tenants please not to touch them.
JCYimby t1_jefk51u wrote
They need to give you a receipt and accept any form of payment they accept at their normal business location. You should call them and demand a refund.
If they refuse, report them to the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs:
naturalorange t1_jefjr2c wrote
Reply to comment by tonyblow2345 in Does the JC school system have a direct connection to 911? I hope that anyone calling 911 from within a school would not experience the recent 911 issues that seem to be chronic in this city. by Neat-Guarantee-4643
In some areas you can text 911, this allows deaf and hard-of-hearing people to get emergency services without needing to go through a TTY operator. This is not available nationwide yet, nor is it available in Hudson County. It is available in NYC and many other NJ counties, at least according to the FCC published data.
latomic t1_jefjci0 wrote
I got one at Grove News Corner (at Grove and Newark) around noon today. There were about three copies left after I took one, so I'm not sure if they'll still have it.
Was very annoyed when I tried "Gateway Newstands" by the Newport path and realized it wasn't actually a newsstand, lol.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jefuq7x wrote
Reply to comment by robin_tern in Lawsuit: Flo Rida’s 6-year-old son in ICU, suffered serious injuries after falling from Jersey City apartment window by bottomless-mimosa
Tighten the bonnet nut, or repack it to be sure. The easier way to stop the steam is just stick a toothpick into the vent hole of the air vent valve!
God I hate steam.