Recent comments in /f/jerseycity

nuncio_populi t1_jeftjdo wrote

Wow! Talk about a convincing sales pitch.

“Hey, this city sucks and so do all of you losers. But this is why you should listen to me and change the picture on a subreddit for a city I don’t give two shits about.”

You, my friend, are about to make the Mickey Mouse commentator look like a genius.


Lokja t1_jefr1xu wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Jersey City Birds by luxuryparking_

Yeah I love this walk and watching the birds. Once even saw a Great Blue Heron, and Mockingbirds harassing an Osprey. The Brants are only here before they move further north so enjoy the funny honks they make now haha


GeorgeWBush2016 t1_jefly8k wrote

I usually have have one, but I've still accumulated a bunch of unwanted reusable bags for the few times that I didn't.

I wish stores were setup so you could leave your excess reusable bags for other people to use, thus reducing the demand to manufacture more reusable bags. Like a leave a penny take a penny thing, except with reusable bags.


naturalorange t1_jefjr2c wrote

In some areas you can text 911, this allows deaf and hard-of-hearing people to get emergency services without needing to go through a TTY operator. This is not available nationwide yet, nor is it available in Hudson County. It is available in NYC and many other NJ counties, at least according to the FCC published data.


latomic t1_jefjci0 wrote

I got one at Grove News Corner (at Grove and Newark) around noon today. There were about three copies left after I took one, so I'm not sure if they'll still have it.

Was very annoyed when I tried "Gateway Newstands" by the Newport path and realized it wasn't actually a newsstand, lol.