Recent comments in /f/jerseycity
zjuka t1_jefzrd7 wrote
Yep, can relate. Sometimes I wonder if I’m invisible or something. Even with visibility corners (or whatever that is called), a pedestrian is expected to look for the car approaching, instead of other way around.
Most annoying is when the driver is looking for upcoming vehicles when turning and completely ignores pedestrians crossing the road
kay141414 t1_jefzqca wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
Maybe it says the people on this sub want to hold their elected officials accountable.
It’s also kinda the most Jersey City profile pic ever, like noone else would do this. I’ve come to embrace it.
friggenhammer t1_jefzk8u wrote
Predatory towing. Report it to the state
Byzantium-1204 t1_jefzhj0 wrote
Reply to comment by kittyglitther in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
No I’m from Union County actually but I am educated and know all the NJ Counties and their locations!!!
[deleted] t1_jefyda1 wrote
kittyglitther t1_jefy9mq wrote
Reply to comment by Byzantium-1204 in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
Sussex County, everyone!
[deleted] t1_jefy57o wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
Byzantium-1204 t1_jefxn8r wrote
Reply to comment by kittyglitther in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
You have a massive attitude problem. And you are not too swift if you need to google NJ Counties and you have lived in NJ your whole life.
kokoromelody t1_jefxn05 wrote
Reply to comment by ApprehensiveGur7812 in Orthodontist in Jersey City area? by 106th
I did my Invisalign here and had a higher price (~$5K) but am seconding an overall positive experience. The staff is super professional, a lot of things have been digitized (appointment, forms, etc.) and very easy to get both dental + orthodontics covered in the same place.
friendsoflsp t1_jefxjmb wrote
Reply to comment by Ainsel72l in Is This Man Just Another Paul Fireman Creation? by EyesOnImprovement
If tgecbillionaire and his funded surrogates brought their sports and entertainment complex plans to Manhattan for Central Park, they’d be chased out of town, but here in NJ, the billionaire has a governor who is in the bubble of the billionaire and his lobbyists, and who ignores 46 years of the overwhelming voice to the people for a free park without the kind of exclusionary admission fee plans that the billionaire is pushing. The DEP is going to stay with their longtime plans for nature, habitats and miles of paths and also their decision a couple of years ago for 61 acres of free active recreation so fireman is wasting his money and lies and smear attacks.
[deleted] t1_jefxh4x wrote
Reply to comment by kittyglitther in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
GoHuskies1984 t1_jefxc0r wrote
It costs $35 or so to take the tow company to small claims court, if you consider it worth the time and effort for $180.
whybother5000 t1_jefx09v wrote
Reply to comment by Patient-Business-924 in UFO sighting? by Patient-Business-924
Patient-Business-924 OP t1_jefwock wrote
Reply to comment by whybother5000 in UFO sighting? by Patient-Business-924
Nah from your moms milk cannons
friendsoflsp t1_jefwkry wrote
Reply to comment by jerseycityfrankie in Is This Man Just Another Paul Fireman Creation? by EyesOnImprovement
One local politician, who took money for his nonprofit from Paul fireman, and is on the board of the fireman front group peoples park foundation, headed by Bob Hurley, is county commissioner Jerry Walker. He organized the counter rallies to the LSP Protection Act rallies, and brought a busload of propagandized people to Trenton to support the fastracked Fireman LSP non-protection law that killed the Protection Act and Walker signed a letter to the governor in 2021 with total lies about the Protection Act.
whybother5000 t1_jefwivn wrote
Reply to UFO sighting? by Patient-Business-924
From a shark with laser beams on its head
kittyglitther t1_jefwcbq wrote
Reply to comment by surrendertomychill in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
Um, don't forget his 300k in Marriott points.
erobinsonh t1_jefw0tz wrote
Reply to Jersey City Birds by luxuryparking_
there's a Facebook group called Jersey City Birds
Blatblatmajigga t1_jefvp4t wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
.... What are you even talking about?
surrendertomychill t1_jefvk1k wrote
Reply to comment by nuncio_populi in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
And it's not like that guy needs someone to make him look like a genius. After all the 100k Reddit karma speaks for itself
ApprehensiveGur7812 t1_jefvfq7 wrote
Reply to Orthodontist in Jersey City area? by 106th
I am getting Invisalign from jersey City dental and it’s ~$3,500… he is a dentist but highly qualified with Invisalign and other treatments and I can’t say enough good things. I’ve been a patient for 4 years.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jefvefd wrote
Reply to comment by kittyglitther in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
This is like Amy’s old childhood friend or something lol. Or someone who has an interest in her political reputation.
Reasonable-Gene6786 t1_jefv8zc wrote
Reply to Where to buy freshly squeezed in store orange juice (large bottle) around here? by Cultural-Yak4118
WunderBagel has fresh orange juice squeezed by the machine you mentioned!
kittyglitther t1_jefv6hy wrote
Reply to comment by mooseLimbsCatLicks in The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
I had to Google Sussex County. Even though I'm from NJ I still had to Google it.
I'm not sure I'd tell people I moved there, and I think I'd only find myself living there if by some chance a witch put a curse on me.
jerseycityfrankie t1_jeg03z2 wrote
Reply to comment by friendsoflsp in Is This Man Just Another Paul Fireman Creation? by EyesOnImprovement
It’s pretty fucking gross when you google him: “The People’s Park Foundation, a coalition of Jersey City community leaders and stakeholders led by Hall of Fame Basketball Coach Bob Hurley, Former Mayor Gerald McCann, Hudson County Commissioner Jerry Walker, and Attorney Elnardo Webster today announced their formation as a Jersey City based 501c3. The Foundation aims to assist the state and local government in revitalizing, improving, and endowing Liberty State Park for generations to […]”.....