Submitted by EyesOnImprovement t3_11rt5hg
Submitted by yayforhooray t3_124nqmq
Submitted by EyesOnImprovement t3_125mt44
Submitted by titaniumcrowbar t3_11cub4o
Submitted by imaluckyduckie t3_10h148s
Submitted by GoHuskies1984 t3_zry48t
Submitted by EyesOnImprovement t3_11zljkq
Submitted by moobycow t3_10g1umk
Submitted by mousebunnyduck t3_zwjtrr
Submitted by Nedi-Ryze-57 t3_ypzn7l
If anyone is wondering what happened to all the chairs and tables by Smorgasbar, I think I found them 🤬
Submitted by reverieduster t3_ymvvi7
Submitted by JourneymanHunt t3_10jelqt
Submitted by Mammoth_Hunter85 t3_zi8d40
Submitted by mwc665324 t3_yxg1m6
Submitted by XIFOD1M t3_z7il0j
Submitted by RAWisROLLIE t3_ycdu5s
Submitted by TrafficSNAFU t3_120vuir
Submitted by pineappleexpression t3_10zn9r0
Submitted by fredmau5 t3_zoaoc4
Submitted by ihatetictoc t3_zxm0qi
Erie Railroad 4-6-2 steam locomotive no. 2736 leading a westbound passenger train out of Jersey City, New Jersey, circa 1950. The Manhattan skyline is visible in the background at right.
Submitted by Tayo826 t3_yd1n8e