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hanssprungfeld2 t1_j9ppc4g wrote

Schuh Mischlingshund - MAN

Hello friends and friendos, music lovers and artistic grinders and hustlers ( I feel your pain;) ) I present to you my latest work: MAN, a song and video about toxiwoxy masculinitäi. The video was done in blender, the greatest 3d software in this world. Music of course created with Ableton, my one true love. I will release some videos on my Instagram and YouTube soon that show how I created the video and the music. So if you are interested, make sure to subscribe. I hope you like the song and let me know what you think, aaaaany comment is happily welcome :)

You can follow me on instagram, Youtube, Soundcloud, even TikTok, crazy right?

Best, Schuh :)


Cocosaurusz t1_j9wu2t1 wrote

Hey dude the what genre is this? Appreciate the effort you put into the video, its crazy haha.