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KeeperoftheAthanor t1_ja6yt02 wrote

Keeper of the Athanor - At the Gates (


This is a track from my debut album. I'm having a hard time figuring out what genre my music is. Dark ambient, ambient industrial come to mind but these genres rarely have vocals. Any suggestions?


ItzJustNoah t1_ja7mx2k wrote

really good. i would suggest playing around with eq to make your drums sound more punchy, especially the snare. or soft if that’s the vibe you’re going for. what daw do you use?


KeeperoftheAthanor t1_ja7r7se wrote

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, EQ could use improvement across the whole thing, I guess. This was my first attempt at publishing music, (this includes mixing and mastering) and I still have a lot to learn.

I use Ableton Live. Any guess on the genre you think my music could be placed in?