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MannyGrey t1_it53w66 wrote

I gave a few tracks a listen. You've got some strong lyrics here. Simple, but effective. One of my biggest gripes was that, aside from 'I Don't', alot of the songs start the exact same way with almost the same note. I Don't is played different and even has a different guitar effect so it got my attention. I think switching it up just a little bit on record with some piano, or even just different pedals would really make a difference. But you do have a talent for songwriting and should keep rockin dude!


I produce hip-hop, so if you're into that, here's me taking my power back from a harsh life.


IndividualValuable45 t1_itatweg wrote

Thank you for the feedback!! I just started writing my next album so that’s something to keep in mind. I really appreciate it! And I’ll definitely give that a listen!