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The_Flint_Metal_Man t1_iszpfmh wrote

Yall do yourself a favor and listen to their whole discography.


Mikan6 t1_iszwmgh wrote

Really good! Thanks for introducing this


Cchaireazy t1_it004ae wrote

Such an underrated band Am good album all of em but that’s my favorite


Ferfuxache t1_it0690p wrote

I’ll stay up all night giving everyone who listened to this an up stoke.


saqsmaq t1_it0bg47 wrote

This is pretty good, thanks for sharing

But it’s not post-rock


thedayiwasahorse t1_it0jwmv wrote

Hell yeah, I was recommended this earlier this year and it definitely rips!


_HeadlessBodyofAgnew t1_it0m2rk wrote

Ovlov played a show at my friend's house in Lafayette IN years ago. By the end of their set the band and everyone in the house was in their underwear, I don't remember who started it. We had a great time. I got a new router the next day and named my SSID ovlov for no real reason but I've kept it all this time.


gwar37 t1_it11cgx wrote

It’s great. Randomly came on in a playlist this week actually.


corndoggy67 t1_it1t6km wrote

Another AMAZING Exploding in Sound band.


Great label, great album, great band!