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dedelandia t1_iwuvh1w wrote

Daniel Diaz - A Cure For Nightmares [instrumental experimental] felt piano, synths , shepard tone

Hello, I created this one today morning (Friday 18th Nov 2022) using a felt piano library sound and synthesisers along with a descending shepard tone for the bad dream's part. (I have that as a recurring dream: me falling for ever)

There's a "nightmare" chord (some sort of C minor "alt") and then the "sweet dreams" chord (C6/9) Around 1 minute into the piece the "sweet dreams" chords tries to get in but fails, to be eventually fully heard at the end, before the rallentando at 1:42 and back to a nice sleep.

photo by Greg Rosenke

For a junto challenge about dreams, Read more here: Step 1: We’re going to make music inspired by recent research on sleep habits. Read the article here:…tists-discover 5

Step 2: Think about the hallmarks of a nightmare.

Step 3: Spend some time with the C6/9 chord. The notes are C E G A D. (In other words: the root, major third, perfect fifth, major sixth, and major ninth.)

Step 4: Create a piece of music that begins with the hallmarks of a nightmare and then gradually transforms into a more positive piece through the use of piano chord C6/9.