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Willis050 t1_j985abm wrote

Especially now with all the Tesla’s


davefanri t1_j987pie wrote

...or dares to drive the speed limit.


TecumsehSherman t1_j98b12x wrote

To be fair, this is how I feel about them regardless of how they drive.

We're not called Massholes for our pleasant demeanor. You need to earn a moniker like that.


Boston_Dan_ t1_j98bg6q wrote

They only got cut off because they were driving like they were in the batmobile.


marbleriver t1_j98it7v wrote

I've been around awhile, this is every driver everywhere. Except me.


joeyrog88 t1_j98ky1n wrote

"cuts" in Massachusetts simply switching lanes is considered cutting someone off


snowmanjg t1_j98lzrl wrote

Or when someone in front of them yields before entering a rotary.


Tyrops t1_j9961v6 wrote

they hyped the hell out of it then had catwoman walk away at the alter followed by several issues of character assassination for her. DC refuses to let certain couples be happy together for whatever reason


ccasey t1_j998tyv wrote

Grew up here, learned to drive here, lived in a lot of places and I still just don’t get this. What is the problem with leaving reasonable gaps for safety or driving the speed limit in the right lane? My wife does this and constantly gets blaring horns, tailgaters and middle fingers. Can’t we all just get to where we need to go in a reasonable fucking manner?


derdoktor t1_j99l7le wrote

Mass drivers think you are cutting them off when you change lanes


derdoktor t1_j99lgdv wrote

Unfortunately, too often “yield” when entering a rotary is treated like a stop sign - people slow down to a near complete stop even if there are no other cars there. But I get you


ADarwinAward t1_j99o3ej wrote

This describes so much of the state that after several years of driving here I’m over it lol. A huge percentage of this state thinks the only way to change lanes is to cut someone off.

If I’m next to a car or directly behind it one lane over, I just assume they’re planning to cut me off at all times.


DearSergio t1_j9a3q21 wrote

You know after being radicalized against cars and supporting public transportation I started to notice something. I do get angry when I drive.

It's apparently a thing, a psychological event that people experience when driving but I never really noticed it until recently.

I get tense, squeeze the steering wheel, yell at people. I always thought it was like normal to drive aggressively bc everyone else is and I have to look out for myself etc etc but the anger that comes with that mindset is easily overlooked.


SpicyLizards t1_j9a7il7 wrote

Once a man followed me to work and got out of his car and started threatening me all because I… checks notes

passed him


nayrcire t1_j9adh1g wrote

I could spend all day in this thread just raging..... What I will say is that the roads are filled with people trying to get to work, people trying to get home from work, and, I shit you not, people who are CURRENTLY WORKING. Fuck your Sunday drive, get the fuck out of my way. I have Karen's groceries in my trunk and if her organic chick pea crust pizza is even slightly thawed, I will get no tip and a 1-star review. My rule after dealing with dumbasses for a couple years running groceries: if you cut me off you will either be going the same speed as me or you will be getting passed, there is no happy medium. It's just how it's going to happen. Also people should have their licenses revoked at age 70.


nayrcire t1_j9adx3t wrote

I could spend all day in this thread just raging.....

What I will say is that the roads are filled with people trying to get to work, people trying to get home from work, and, I shit you not, people who are CURRENTLY WORKING. F*** your relaxing Sunday drive, get out of my way. I have Karen's groceries in my trunk and if her organic chick pea crust pizza is even slightly thawed, I will have my tip replaced with a 1 star review. My rule after a couple years running groceries: if you cut me off you will either be going the same speed as me or you will be getting passed, there is no happy medium. It's just how it's going to happen.


fuzzykittyfeets t1_j9aelpj wrote

Obviously this is totally different, but studies have shown just the presence (not possession) of a weapon will make people more aggressive.

I wonder if it’s hitting a similar brain button for you because you hate cars so much.


DustyIT t1_j9ah126 wrote

Slightly off topic but I just moved to Mass from Texas, and was worried there would be a period of adjustment due to people being "massholes" here. Honestly though, I haven't had a single bad experience yet exploring the state. Honestly everyone seems WAY nicer and more friendly than in Texas. Maybe I'm just only running into transplants lol


Cersad t1_j9ajt8n wrote

Newer cars have auto-lane assist and auto-follow cruise control.

When I got the chance to drive in traffic with a car like that, it was amazing how much more calm I felt after driving. Something about not having to make split-second braking or acceleration to match other drivers just took the edge off for me.


Flyingmonkey53 t1_j9ar2e3 wrote

Yeah, I moved from Louisiana and everyone has been great! Except for that one pharmacist. Seriously,I have heard more people talk about the rudeness up here than I have experienced it. I think its a tactic to prevent people from coming up here lol.


zshybabez t1_j9augll wrote

I flipped someone off the other day on rt 1 after they were aggressively following way too close behind me and then pulled out in front of me. They proceeded to drive really slow in front of me and switch lanes every time I did. Then they moved over and waited for me to pass again so they could throw something at my car. All bc I was just trying to keep at least a cars length in front of me. Because you know, safety.

I hate people so much


Cersad t1_j9aw54x wrote

To be fair, "dumb" cruise control from my old early-aughts beater is more trouble than it's worth in most traffic in Massachusetts. The adaptive cruise control that controls your following distance is a complete revolution by comparison.


rfuree11 t1_j9b16zq wrote

Houston and Dallas drivers are just as bad, if not worse than MA drivers, only at much higher speeds due to the road designs. The first time I drove down there, I had no idea there was a place with more aggressive drivers than here.


life_is_liberal t1_j9c1ri7 wrote

This is an amateur move in heavy traffic under 30mph (let alone any other speed: for safety reasons, the stopping distance should be about 3 seconds: count when the car in front passes something and it should take you 3sec to get there)

Frantic stop and go jamming on the brakes? No car space? Tense on edge? Ha, amateur move.

Real kings of the road leave space, sometimes even 10-20 car lengths, so as to time acceleration and deceleration as precisely as possible, maximizing optimal usage of each.

This saves brakes, transmission, engine wear, prevents accidents, and reduces traffic, so don’t get uppidy when you’re behind a king and you’re jamming on your brakes like a chimpanzee stuck in peanut butter at the circus

Someone wants to cut in? Go for it, doesn’t make a difference to a king of the road (or any other gendered or non gendered royalty)


Waggmans t1_j9d8vgn wrote

In the next frame Batman says, “…But I’ll do you anyways”. (Just like most MA drivers…)


danmac1152 t1_j9fnf8r wrote

I’m definitely on this list. One of the worst accidents I ever experienced was was because someone cut me off on 495 in Chelmsford while I was in the slow lane and slammed on their brakes after doing so. Always takes me back when I get cut off.


LadyPaleRider t1_j9fosi5 wrote

People driving 35 in a 55 tends to raise my blood pressure. Especially since you can usually see them staring at you in their mirrors