Submitted by Exact-Ad4764 t3_11a54eh in massachusetts

I've had a clean driving record for more than 5 years. Only thing on my record is one at fault accident in 2017 when I was 18. I was getting ready to make a left at the light, I SWEAR I saw it turn green, here comes oncoming traffic in my left side. No accident. No one was hurt, no cops pulled me over. I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of getting cited for reckless driving. Please help. Please be kind. I have severe ocd and anxiety. Thank you



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BovaDesnuts t1_j9pu0i8 wrote

There are no red light cameras in MA, so even if you fuck it up, you're fine if you don't crash


DunkinRadio t1_j9purmr wrote

It probably was green, but remember the rule around here is that four or five cars get to go though even after their light turns red.

You'll be fine.


Notmystationbro t1_j9puu8u wrote

That experience should now motivate you to invest in a dash camera.


SnooPeppers6081 t1_j9py8aj wrote

Not to long ago I was on my way to work in the pre-dawn hours, I was taking a left onto an access road to the highway and saw a pedestrian in my headlights dressed in black just stepping out of a blind-spot. He jumped out of the way and took off but I had to pull over and wait for my heart rate to return to normal. Lesson learned, Check, check, and double check. Honk all you want.


MrMcSwifty t1_j9pyuif wrote

Extremely doubtful. First off, doubtful that anyone would care enough to bother to do that. And second, that the police would even accept it or give enough of a shit about it to send a ticket even if they did.

I'm not 100% but it might not even be legal for them to do so.


DarkPurpleHibiscus t1_j9q1b0v wrote

I will say that a few weeks ago my wife got a warning in the mail from the BPD saying she turned left at a place where it is supposedly forbidden. She wasn't pulled over and neither of us see any places at the location where it says no left turn, but there isn't anything to fight because it was just a warning. Our theory was that the cop happened to be there and took her info down. It was certainly a strange thing, and the idea of a cop being too lazy to get out of his car and instead passively send in the mail is bothersome.


rjt1468 t1_j9q3yoj wrote

>But someone could've had a dash cam and turned me in. This was just last night

It's more likely they would have posted the dashcam video on r/IdiotsInCars than giving it to the police. Be more careful, but don't sweat this one too much.


rjt1468 t1_j9q4ghr wrote

>It probably was green, but remember the rule around here is that four or five cars get to go though even after their light turns red.

Sounds like the intersection of Speen St. and Rt. 30 in Framingham


justlikethewwdove t1_j9q6f1c wrote

Don't worry about it, I did the same thing at a stoplight one time and unfortunately a cop was right there. I had a totally clean record and I explained the situation and thankfully he understood and let me go (not before a stern warning lol). I occasionally suffer from really intense anxiety too, I know how you feel and I know how situations like this can scramble your mind. And I know how we're all struggling to save money in this insane economy and how even one ticket can be a real burden on a lot of people. But I promise you'll be ok here!


tapakip t1_j9qdtg2 wrote

I'll take you at face value here with your have zero cause for concern. Thousands of massholes do this every single day without consequence, for better or for worse.

You should really address your mental health if something as small as this is sending you into a downward spiral.


Yeti_Poet t1_j9qu40y wrote

This is just your anxiety talking. You are okay, sorry that this is causing you so much strife. But it's a very common, normal occurrence and no harm was done. You're good, try and put it behind you.


MattOLOLOL t1_j9r54aw wrote

So nothing happened, nothing at all?

What the fuck are you worried about? This is MA.


The_Mean_MacKean t1_j9rar4z wrote

It’s Massachusetts dude they can’t cite you via camera so you’re fine lmao.


megsperspective t1_j9rmbq9 wrote

I know anxiety is tough to deal with but take a deep breath and let this one go. Even if someone had a dash cam and turned it in, no one could actually prove you were driving the vehicle, the police wouldn’t send a citation for that.


spg1611 t1_j9s5vrd wrote

Sometimes you look at the post history and you understand


Why-R-People-So-Dumb t1_j9sj978 wrote

Those aren’t traffic cameras they are cameras to operate the lights instead of just inductive sensors in the ground. The cameras can see what’s there and relays the data to the controller to react accordingly to minimize traffic, idle time, or missed reads from the ground sensors motorcycles and bicycles.


Matty_Cakez t1_j9t0knm wrote

If no one stopped you you are not getting a ticket


tek33 t1_j9t2fa8 wrote

Bro… chill out!


huskydannnn t1_j9t4tss wrote

fuck the police who cares what they think


SideBarParty t1_j9tlvjr wrote

I strongly encourage you to connect with a mental health provider who specializes in anxiety disorders.


nhf1918 t1_j9tm221 wrote

Based on post history, youre much more likely to get charged for doing some weird shit online than running a green light….


Balsac_is_Daddy t1_j9tnaoc wrote

Maybe dont drive if you have severe OCD and anxiety. 🤷‍♀️


Ok_District2853 t1_j9tqbef wrote

I just taught my kid to drive and I'll tell you what I tell her: People make mistakes. They make them all the time. But it takes two cars to get in an accident, the other drivers are trying to avoid you too. Think of all the bad drivers you've dodged over the years. They owe you one.

You're set up for success, even if you make a mistake there's an extra level of safety. The other guy doesn't want to hit you either. The worst you get is an angry beep.

Now consider your car. Modern cars are a wonder of safety. A guy in California just tried to commit suicide with his family driving his Tesla (arguably the shoddiest car) over a cliff into the ocean. No one died. Your air bags will protect you.

I wish I could take you back to the 1970s when I was a boy. My aunt Lil hit something every time she took the car out. Sometimes she barely made it out of the driveway. I guarantee you are a better driver than her. They replaced the fence next to her driveway three times before they just gave up and let it sit broken.


knols2019 t1_j9u2567 wrote

This happened to me once as a passenger. The left turn arrow turned green and the driver thought she had a green light and went through the intersection even though we now had traffic coming at us. Little scary as a passenger, but nothing happened overall.

I also once was taking a left turn and did that thing where you wait in the middle of the intersection till it turns red and then go. Turns out a cop was directly behind me lolol I got pulled over and let go with a warning.

You'll be okay 💜


Tacoman404 t1_j9u63el wrote

How would you get cited if nobody saw?


paganlobster t1_j9unkd3 wrote

My driving instructor drilled into my head that any time you are turning left, you are the "scum of the earth" lol. You wait for oncoming traffic and then go unless you have green arrow.