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RumSwizzle508 t1_j92vqc7 wrote

They technically lead the US (continental division) into each day.


prberkeley t1_j934mxf wrote

I think there is one remote island of Alaska that is technically west of the international date line and thus is the first part of the US to begin each day. But that's stupid so Maine all the way.


0621FiST t1_j935v94 wrote

The motto came before Alaska became a state to be fair.


squarerootofapplepie t1_j987tye wrote

No, even though they are in the Eastern Hemisphere the Date Line goes around them so they’re in the same time zone as the rest of Alaska.


prberkeley t1_j98b2hf wrote

I realized I was thinking of Guam. They are west of the date line so I guess it depends on whether you include territories or not.