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t1_j8sfvfn wrote

NIMBY is anything that someone doesn’t want in their back yard. Bike paths, dispensaries, power stations, country club expansion etc, etc.


t1_j8sthg1 wrote

I agree with your literal definition of NIMBY but also find it weird to be used to describe someone not wanting a casino built in their neighborhood. Like opposing new housing is imo purely selfish but I think there are reasonable objections to a casino


t1_j8t0zu1 wrote

More specifically, NIMBY is a pejorative used to pressure homeowners into allowing construction near their homes which they otherwise would not allow. It’s no different from calling someone a pussy because you want them to do something risky and they’re scared.

So whether it’s low income housing, a casino, or a power plant, it’s important to recognize that anyone using a pejorative to pressure you into agreeing with them is not your friend and probably not well informed on the subject being discussed.


t1_j8t1cnn wrote

Yeah, except that selfish, entitled NIMBYs have spent decades blocking adequate housing from being built in this state, and now we have a housing crisis.

It has nothing to do with being scared.

It’s “I got mine, fuck everybody else” selfishness.


t1_j8t1rc6 wrote

You sound like you’re more upset than articulate. Your emotions are valid, but your message is just emotion.


t1_j8t3pgq wrote

No, my message is absolutely accurate.

90% of the things that NIMBYs whine about, especially when it comes to new housing construction are complete and utter bullshit, and just boil down to “I feel entitled for my neighborhood/town to never have to change… I got mine, fuck everybody else.”


t1_j8th3ch wrote

I mean maybe you’re speaking to a different audience, but from my perspective your message seems heavy on expletives and short on the sort of cause-and-effect I’m used to, i.e. the reason you are incorrect is because of x,y,z

I doubt you care to talk more, but for posterity I will ask a few questions that I’d expect you to share.

To what degree do homeowners owe a duty of support to non-homeowners in their pursuit of homeownership?

Do you want to live in a society where a younger version of yourself could no longer buy a home?

How does it make you feel to see other people enjoy the financial and physical security of owning their home?


t1_j8tisd1 wrote

“To what degree do homeowners owe a duty of support to non-homeowners in their pursuit of homeownership?”

Nothing. But they are entitled to their property and nothing else. Purchasing a property doesn’t mean your neighborhood is suddenly frozen in time from that point onward, and you are entitled to never have your neighborhood change. So no, you don’t get to tell everyone else what they can and can’t build on their property.

So if a developer wants to buy up some lots and build some higher density housing because there is extreme market demand for it, tough luck. If one does’t want their neighborhood to ever change, they can feel free to purchase every lot in the town. The “neighborhood character” of your neighborhood was once just forests and cornfields. Why was it okay to ruin that “neighborhood character” to build your neighborhood, but once you purchase property, suddenly now everything must remain frozen in time?

“Do you want to live in a society where a younger version of yourself could no longer buy a home?”

That’s exactly where we are heading because of all the “I got mine, fuck everybody else” NIMBYs block more housing from being built.

“How does it make you feel to see other people enjoy the financial and physical security of owning their home?”

They are welcome to enjoy that. But nowhere does their deed say they are entitled to never have their town or neighborhood ever change.


t1_j8uie2e wrote

Never in the history of ever has being called a NIMBY caused anyone to change their mind.


t1_j8sw6py wrote

Eh. NIMBY is someone who agrees it should be build somewhere, but not in my back yard. Someone who doesn’t want it built anywhere, I’d say, is not a NIMBY.


t1_j8t1hd6 wrote

That would be a BANANA

build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything


t1_j8stmu2 wrote

I agree with your literal definition of NIMBY but also find it weird to be used to describe someone not wanting a casino built in their neighborhood. Like opposing new housing is imo purely selfish but I think there are reasonable objections to a casino


t1_j8tvev0 wrote

Usually they don’t give a crap if it gets built, and if they say they do it’s just for appearances and to distract you from their NIMBYism.