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Adorable_List3836 t1_j9jcyp0 wrote

This is really cool, I didn’t even know there was a town in MA named Orange, does anyone know what the green tower is on the left side?


NativeMasshole t1_j9jdryk wrote

Well they got it right that basically no new buildings would go up.


stuartgatzo t1_j9jevpl wrote

Sorry I’m late, my hot air parachute broke down.


dirkvonnegut t1_j9jh55z wrote

Why does everyone say that? There is nothing dangerous about orange. Its a charming, sleepy, but poor town. They have a great brewery, an untouched vintage downtown and some interesting buildings.

I really hope they create the passenger train line from Boston so these towns get a chance to thrive.


ivejustbluemyself t1_j9jhnyn wrote

It like traveling to the rural Deep South, the town is covered is asbestos from the fire last April. Most the businesses are shut down. It’s not uncommon to see 30 year olds making out with 15 year olds, half the town hangs out at the Cumberland-farms store, yeah great place.


BeingFosterRr t1_j9jkwkd wrote

Funny they couldn’t have imagined paved roads 😆


tyws t1_j9jm0zk wrote

If the people of that town where smart they'd vote out the corruption in the town hall. Town won't get any better if ll the money is going into there pockets. Also the chief seems like he's hiding something. Town needs help bad!!!


SpyCats t1_j9jmgs5 wrote

North Orange is really pretty.


aidrocsid t1_j9jpp9b wrote

The ring came off my pudding can!


Pappa_Crim t1_j9jqh8s wrote

somebody sat on the building with the turret, and now it is flat


jjgould165 t1_j9jqkgy wrote

I've only seen the black and white one of Reading, I would love to own a copy of it but haven't been able to figure out a search phrase to find it. Hopefully this will help!


BNL52577 t1_j9jrl1x wrote

Literally just told my wife this morning that a town with money's like a mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it, and dammed if he knows how to use it!


dirkvonnegut t1_j9js7eb wrote

Both of you guys are blowing my mind right now.

So you're telling me I can fly for about $25K-$50K?

And unregulated? Can you expand on that?

Screw the train, why isn't everyone just flying to Orange?


Rizzpooch t1_j9jx0ei wrote

They didn’t say how far into the future. Hope springs eternal


richg0404 t1_j9jz3ly wrote

I am shocked to find out that the sky monorail didn't extend all of the way out to Orange.


Fishhikemtnbike t1_j9k06fw wrote

In the future you can use either fly or take a car with wooden rims.


shameonyounancydrew t1_j9keeca wrote

A sky monorail in Orange was seriously ambitious thinking, especially considering the trains in Boston are exploding in current time.


Red_Death_78 t1_j9kek3o wrote

Is no one concerned that whoever drew this future picture considered no safety for the people in the trolley car or duck boat looking thing in the bottom, right? Damn things taking a hard turn and tipping to the side with people out of their chairs.


themangeraaad t1_j9krzah wrote

Wtf is going on to the left of the sky trolley? The weird flying fish like thing with a guy hanging from it?

Everything else makes at least some semblance of sense, but that one just has me scratching my head.


Different_Ad7655 t1_j9l6mp3 wrote

Have you ever lived in Boston, just curious?. I'm in New Hampshire native but lived in Boston for a decade in the south end and hands down would still live there if the situation for me were right. It was eminently walkable iand the transportation to all parts of greater Boston was easy. New Hampshire completely sucks especially the economic powerhouse of the state, Manchester, a complete disgrace


unreliab1eNarrator t1_j9lt5og wrote

lol I grew up in there. Things have changed even since 2019 (assuming the watermark thing is legit on the Orange pic).

Not sure if that place on the right survived. The brick building on the left does have some businesses in it now.


JasonDJ t1_j9ltpu6 wrote

No, I live in Attleboro, work in Cambridge. Commuted by train/redline for a year, then car for a year, now WFH with occasional drive-in.

I’d thought about living in Greater Boston/Providence but don’t think I’d acclimate well to carless life (esp with two small kids), and I really dislike driving in the city.


elmerneverhood t1_j9matj8 wrote

These are great. I live in Western MA and have travelled all of the New England states for work. Extensively.

Appreciate you sharing, OP. Made me smile

Edit: Didn’t realize I clicked on a Reddit suggested sub for MA. So I guess you all could give two shits less that I live in MA 😅


MrHappy230 t1_j9nb6xq wrote

They really thought that there’d be floating rail and blimp bikes but the cars wouldn’t improve at all?


MrBoobs_ t1_j9nsb88 wrote

Really gives some perspective. Whatever we think the future will be like, we’re probably drastically wrong. We don’t know any better than the folks in 1910, it’s naive to think we do