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Prestigious_Ad5677 t1_j9oidun wrote

You’re all overlooking one important aspect of this issue— you can blame politicians and colleges for making cities and towns unaffordable for renting and buying homes.

They have taken full control over real estate. Lots of shoddy development by unskilled labor building condos.

I grew up within a 4 mile radius of Cambridge/Somerville and have been sounding the alarms at town meetings for over a decade.

Nothing will change. Colleges are running things now and pols are only happy to reap the benefits to include their career ambitions.

There are good landlords and bad landlords — the bad don’t maintain rentals, however many who are fair, are caught in the same trap who do maintain their units and still charge below market rates.

However, that’s now changed due to steady increases in real estate tax and cost of the price gouging contractors who are also to blame for the unaffordability in this area. They assume every landlord is a millionaire due to high rents. That is an incorrect assumption. Many are single dwelling home owner occupied landlords trying to make ends meet. They do this intentionally to drive us out, but many of us can sail along until the next wave. If you paid attention to the past 20 years, you understand the cycles. It will eventually level off but remain a place that only the wealthy can afford. When WS decides to tank investments, maybe there will be a break in development but their goal date is 2030 in this region. The predicted date for completion of a four mile sprawling campus for 3 colleges who no longer will be concerned with babysitting dormitories- they took our properties so they won’t have to deal with liabilities.

There’s also clear evidence of elder discrimination and abandonment as more monied liberals like we saw take over San Francisco, causing this issue.

Some of the pols have lost sight of their responsibilities towards those they have sworn to protect and are guilty of conflict of interest due to taking advantage of family interests in development.

Thousands have been driven out to build wet labs and entrepreneurial businesses by colleges. Most of this is not shared with the media for distribution.

I left a 25 year career in academia and happy to say I’m out. It’s only going to get worse. Realtors are renting out apartments and condos throughout winter this year. It’s no longer a September 1st starting date.

There is a big surge in more monied seekers looking to live here and GLX, is also the catalyst that got us here.

I have family in NH who left 20 years ago. They retired from contracting businesses, who knew the incoming changes due to contacts early on. But they are 200 miles north near Franconia. It’s still too rural a place for those raised in urban communities. Every region has their advantages and downside. Do your research before you move.


Prestigious_Ad5677 t1_j9pt7th wrote

I also wanted to mention that many employees collectively of Cambridge/Somerville wanted the Grand Junction Project to move forward, but the NIMBY crowd of Cambridge-port stopped it. Those unfamiliar, the plan consisted of using the freight line in Kendall Square in order to provide services for those living beyond city limits. It would serve to encourage more commuters to use public transportation rather than their vehicles.

So for those who continually rant about cars, they should be asking the pols in Cambridge why they allowed the Brahmins of Cambridge to prevent a perfectly good remedy to the problems with the overcrowded roadway system we have in the 4 mile radius and highways that surround it and push the project through.

This article below is exactly the same problem that occurred which was about the Red Line Extension plan that was stopped as well. The NIMBY crowd in Arlington- Lexington- Bedford pushed back on the political establishment and they also got the church involved (Arlington), cited “undesirables would be moving in”, as their reasoning so Alewife became the last stop.

Here is the article that outlines more detail of the issues with NIMBYISM in this region as it based on unsubstantiated rumors to suggest home values would plummet.