NerdyKirdahy t1_j9f21ae wrote
I kinda love these, but let’s be honest, they taste about 100 years old.
Rats_In_Boxes t1_j9f6gvy wrote
The blueberry ones look the same coming out as they look going in.
JoshSidekick t1_j9fi27q wrote
There is a distinct taste difference, though.
Personal-Walrus3076 t1_j9fn44v wrote
Those little pies rock
Ruleseventysix t1_j9fn7rn wrote
How do you know?
mini4x t1_j9fn9fk wrote
I'll trust you there, not willing to test that theory.
mini4x t1_j9fnfc5 wrote
Every year on March 14'th I get a Ms Buds Chicken pot pie and one of these.
LocoNikoko t1_j9fnmek wrote
As an adult yes, but the brand is charming.
believe0101 t1_j9ftpsq wrote
don't kink shame bro
bentheechidna t1_j9g2ymq wrote
We just moved to Worcester and though I have little interest in these pies, my father-in-law keeps asking if we’ve seen the place yet.
EnvironmentalLong541 t1_j9ge0uo wrote
👀 good shit 🫐
EnvironmentalLong541 t1_j9ge34l wrote
Classic! 🫐
mslashandrajohnson t1_j9h8gvw wrote
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j9hacoc wrote
I almost just bought one today
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j9hahur wrote
>as an adult yes
This is the key. When my sister and I were kids they were our absolute favorite treat. It made it seem ok to eat a whole pie lol
ItsMeTK t1_j9hbtrb wrote
Remember Pi Day is next month! It’s a great day to eat some Table Talk pies. I usually do.
yahabbibi t1_j9hdt7g wrote
Not gonna lie I picked up one of their full size coconut custard pies from Big Y as a last min dessert to bring to a relatives on New Years Eve and it got wiped out. People said not bad, not bad. No one believed it was Table Top. Stand up local company. I'd eat all these little pies.
A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j9he729 wrote
Nothing crazy about these pies, but they’re cheap, perfectly sized, good enough treats with a unique brand that they’ve become extraordinarily popular.
marbleriver t1_j9io41b wrote
The lemon pie is really good.
sallystruthersfarts t1_j9kktae wrote
Metabolism slowing down is a myth, that’s just your lifestyle to blame
NoMoLerking t1_j9kmr5m wrote
Say what you want, if I eat pies and ice cream I’ll get fat, that wasn’t always the case.
Waggmans t1_j9pi83o wrote
Live a little.
NoMoLerking t1_j9q1i8m wrote
That’s the thing, I want to live a lot.
bobrob48 t1_ja3nu9h wrote
When you were a kid I bet you moved around a lot more. Walking from class to class, playing outside with friends, maybe some sports. Now you’ve likely got an office job where you sit all day, you may sit for 30 minutes to an hour to commute both ways, or maybe you just work from home (even less movement)
We don’t really realize it, but for the most part, adults just move less than they did as kids. This is often what we perceive as “metabolism slowing down”. We just have less time to be active.
NoMoLerking t1_ja3qkyx wrote
Between this god damn dog that requires a 30 minute jog twice a day, lifting ~4x a week, and casual sports (skiing at the moment), I’m plenty active.
When I was in college I smoked weed and played video games but I’m fatter now 🤷♂️
NoMoLerking t1_j9esb1y wrote
I used to warm those bad boys up in the microwave and drop a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Boy I miss having a metabolism.