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SouthShoreSerenade t1_jach8u3 wrote

Hopefully the megacult that worships pain and suffering has shrunk enough to be unable to sway opinions on this again.


3720-To-One t1_jachyg0 wrote

Seriously. It’s concerning how much Catholics want to force other people to endure horrible suffering, even after the writing is already on the wall.

I’m certain any going out on my own terms when the time comes, and anybody opposed to that can cry me a river.


Elementium t1_jaclsuj wrote

The problem is a lot of people say the same thing but far too often by the time they're past the point of "if I get like that I'll kill myself" their mind or body isnt there anymore.


3720-To-One t1_jacoghw wrote

I’m just sick of religious people feeling it’s their prerogative to shove their “values” down everyone else’s throat.


Elementium t1_jacp8h3 wrote

For sure. As a whole I'd like to see a recommitment to the whole separation of church and state.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_jacxm2e wrote

It’s bizarre I don’t understand they have the same God as the Christians and they can’t wait to die, if they cause your death they convinced themselves that they did you a favor because you got to Jesus sooner.

They worship the same god as the Catholics, why don’t the Catholics want people to go to Jesus? Isn’t it supposed to be the promised land?
