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Lost-Variation768 t1_jae5s32 wrote

While I’m pro choice myself, a fetus isn’t a ‘parasite’ if that’s what you’re trying to say. It’s a fetus. You can justify abortion without using such extreme language.


3720-To-One t1_jaeadwe wrote

And neither is a fetus or embryo a “baby”.

But if you want to get technical, it literally is a parasite, leeching resources off of its host.


Lost-Variation768 t1_jaeb977 wrote

I never called it a baby. As I said before I’m pro choice. Even if it was a baby, someone should have the right to not have their body used as life support for a baby, hence why I support the choice to abort up until viability.

It isn’t ‘literally a parasite’, it’s just a fetus. Calling pregnancy a parasitic relationship is incredibly weird.


3720-To-One t1_jaegouo wrote

It is a parasitic relationship.

The host body gains nothing from it.

Meanwhile, something like your gut flora is a symbiotic relationship.


Lost-Variation768 t1_jaehr52 wrote

Nobody outside of Reddit calls fetuses parasites.


3720-To-One t1_jaei8dh wrote

If conservatives are going to constantly try to appeal to emotion, it’s time to play to their level.

A microscopic embryo is not special, it is not a person, it is a parasitic clump of cells.


Lost-Variation768 t1_jaeiiya wrote

So both you and the conservatives will take refuge in being wrong to own the opponent? Sounds anti-intellectual to me.