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BobSacamano97 t1_ja9i605 wrote

I used a local Fairway loan officer for our most recent home purchase. Was very happy with them.


2phatt t1_ja9nplf wrote

use a mortgage broker you'll get your best deal.


__lawless t1_ja9sgcx wrote

Yes we did. It was a pleasant experience.


caviarwall t1_ja9uxs6 wrote

1000% would recommend over and over again. Craig was excellent. We were first time home buyers and he was so kind, knowledgeable and responsive.


HorrorBusiness1234 t1_ja9z2ss wrote

We did when we bought our house they held our mortgage for a few weeks and sold it to another company who held it for a few years and they sold it again.


Zorro6855 t1_jaa8x1d wrote

RE paralegal here weighing in. (1). Fairway is one of the better mortgage brokers BUT (2). Use a local bank. You'll do better and have a lot less fees.


swoldier_force t1_jaan3ew wrote

My personal experience, Fairway beat both my work’s credit union and my local savings bank. This was for a condo though, which does have higher rates and more red tape than a single family home.

Always shop around, but in my case Fairway was best.


ladybug1259 t1_jaao9uo wrote

When I was mortgage shopping our realtor encouraged us to use Fairway too.. I applied with Fairway, our local credit union, a small local bank and a medium sized local bank. Fairway had the highest closing costs of the four. We ended up going with the medium sized bank and don't have any regrets. Even refinanced with them a couple years later. You can shop around and get loan estimates from multiple lenders before you sign paperwork.


walterbernardjr t1_jaaqw3o wrote

Just shop around. If you’re doing a VA loan though there’s not much shopping to do, they have very little leeway in the rates.


thenexttimebandit t1_jab3k87 wrote

Our broker at fairway was really good and very quick to respond. She turned documents around quickly and helped us get our house in a crazy market. The rates were competitive but the service was excellent


matusk123 t1_jacg8dh wrote

I used them. Process went smooth no complaints


Helpful-Sweet2242 t1_jackzi7 wrote

Initially used Amerisave then after a few offers gone south due to poor customer service, we switched to Fairway and got an offer accepted immediately (our 16th offer…this was in the crazy market time of last year and we had a VA loan). We found Fairway to be fantastic and I can PM you the name of the person we used if you’d like.