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LopsidedWafer3269 OP t1_j9hd7y6 wrote

So you deny the rationale for having in-law suites entirely?


Linux-Is-Best t1_j9hek1p wrote

> So you deny the rationale for having in-law suites entirely?


I think it would be ideal, but as others have pointed out, realistically, it usually is not an option either due to limited physical availability or financial availability.


valley_G t1_j9jci9c wrote

It's just not a reality. That's the long and short of it. In law suites are small apartments attached to a house, not a second apartment in your apartment.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j9k0yyw wrote

> It's just not a reality. That's the long and short of it. In-law suites are small apartments attached to a house, not a second apartment in your apartment.

I think I have said that or implied that, twice now.

Realistically, you are more likely to either rent a larger place with more rooms (cohabitate), rent more than one place, or buy. Most people who look to do this, end up buying, and either dividing up a house or extending onto it, or possibly having a smaller guest house.

It comes down to physical availability or financial availability.