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LackingUtility t1_jaawbs5 wrote

It’s a terrible idea. Most of the clientele of a dispensary would not be interested in strippers, so you end up reducing your patronage, not increasing it. Even the guys who would be interested will assume that prices will be higher than at the dispensary down the street, and there’s no alcohol or dancing to make up for it.

A night club with weed, alcohol, and live music would be a great thing. But a dispensary plus tits is like a restaurant plus tits - your market is a subset of the restaurant market, not a combination of “people who are hungry” and “people who like tits”.


SLEEyawnPY t1_jadpfru wrote

>"It may surprise you, but we’ve never had a shortage of employees who wanted to work at Castaways," he said. "I do think, some of our former employees that we’ve worked with would love to be involved with something like this."

What they mean is that some of their former employees have told them what they want to hear to stay in their good graces, on the off chance the owners come to their senses and re-open as just a regular club again.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaawkxt wrote

You've made a claim, so now I am asking you to prove your claim. Please provide scientific research that the Venn diagram between strip club patrons and Dispensary patrons doesn't intersect.


LackingUtility t1_jaay5pi wrote

Happily, but first, you have to demonstrate to me that you understand Venn diagrams and Boolean logic. Because I’m arguing that the populations do intersect, but that the market is A∩B, not AUB. If you would please provide a paragraph on each type of set and a paragraph discussing their distinctions, I’ll supply the requested research. I’d hate to waste both of our time if you couldn’t understand, you see.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jab5yr7 wrote

Unfortunately that's not how a discussion works. The person who makes the claim, you, is the one with the burden to prove the argument. If I say "hey there are 150ft salamanders outside" it is my job to prove that statement, not to then require others to provide different information to somehow back up my original claim. 🤷


LackingUtility t1_jab9rpj wrote

And I willingly agreed to do so, once you prove your claim that you’d understand the research, since that’s in doubt based on the above. To use your analogy, you say there are 150 ft. salamanders outside, I insist you show research that the earth is flat, and you pause and ask if I’m an idiot and would even understand the concept of research, much less the specifics you’re asking for.

Accordingly, please provide the requested paragraphs. Once you’ve demonstrated that we’re having a discussion on good faith between reasonable people, I will present my research. If you cannot, I can only assume that we’re not having such a discussion, in which case I’m certainly not obligated to do all the work for you.


gooogwor t1_jadi1gb wrote

“Please prove scientific research that the Venn diagram between strip club patrons and Dispensary patrons doesn’t intersect” Lmao..