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movdqa t1_j9uambi wrote

I spent 30 minutes clearing off 2 cars this morning. The cars were in the sun which helped tremendously. Then I cleared the ice off the driveway in 15 minutes with an ice chipper. I've only seen a handful of people pulled over for not clearing their car in the past 15 years or so so it's generally not enforced. Similar to mobile-phone laws.


mountainwocky t1_j9uf3pb wrote

Exactly this.

I’ve got a hightop Sprinter van and I wouldn’t even think of driving it on the road without clearing off the roof.

It’s not an easy thing either as I have to get out the telescoping ladder and the long handled SnoBrum. Getting all the recent ice off the top required some effort, but it’s important for the safety of others on the road.


CLor0x t1_j9vz7d1 wrote

I feel you. I have (had) a wooden broomstick on my snowbroom for extra reach / power on my long bed pickup cap. I broke the broomstick in half trying to break the ice apart today.

Keep your distance on the highways folks.. this stuff is brutal to clean off and too many folks don’t even make a minimum effort.


twoscoop t1_j9wgo2n wrote

you could always make yourself a diy snow brush thingy like they have for 18 wheelers. They drive through all the snow is gone.


throwsplasticattrees t1_j9uinz7 wrote

Traffic enforcement is abysmal in MA. What do the police do?


AnyRound5042 t1_j9uq8gt wrote

Overtime schemes and protect assholes like super happy fun America


[deleted] t1_j9vl59d wrote

In the mean time, in my corner of MA, troopers are waiting all day every day of the weekend to nail us for going 10mph over the limit on a long, clear and straight road


Garethx1 t1_j9wwjom wrote

They need to nap during their shift so theyre well rested to get hammered and drive their boats around on one of their 65 vacation days a year.


aytay617 t1_j9wkr2s wrote

Well, you'll be happy to know that I was pulled over for using my cell phone while driving. It was a pretty good trick too, because it was in my pocket. My hands were folded over my steering wheel as I picked at my nails. Didn't matter though, because according to this fine state trooper, one must have BOTH hands on the wheel at ALL times. When I tried to call him on that by asking for the statute, he said some BS about how he could pull me over for going 56 in a 55, but don't. Ultimately, he gave me a written warning, which pisses me off because I lost my get out of jail free card, but whatever. As soon as I pulled off, he bagged someone else withing 15 seconds. I'm all for the law, it just pisses me off that there is no way to prove it apart from an interior camera and that some cops either don't know or misrepresent the law to justify their overzealous enforcement of it.


Darklighter10 t1_j9y1mwg wrote

Ooh you missed a good “got ya” moment. “My other car is a manual transmission, with which third hand am I to shift with?”


aytay617 t1_ja01sa9 wrote

I thought of it, as I used to drive a stick (before I married someone who does not). But, I decided not to press my luck. There was absolutely no way that I was going to convince the guy that I wasn't holding my phone, so what was the point after a long day at work?