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PabloX68 t1_j7q5xhp wrote

The 5th amendment's takings clause should already cover this, but it seems to be ignored with civil asset forfeiture.


neifirst t1_j7q6nfg wrote

It’s because of the nonsense of jurisdiction “in rem”; the government isn’t taking from you, it’s accusing the item itself

Which is nonsense, but common law says that if you do nonsense long enough it’s fine


PabloX68 t1_j7qbwha wrote

IANAL, but I've had a lot of interactions with them dealing with patents.

As an engineer, I just don't get the way they think. It seems like a major foundation of the law is cognitive dissonance and/or willful ignorance.


petrichor1969 t1_j7s6166 wrote

The lawyers I've known have no concept of justice at all, none. They have no conscience; they only have law. If it's legal, it's moral. It's all about beating the other guy for their client's and their own wallet and dick size (although the mindset is by no means limited to persons with dicks.)

One of these guys used the law to turn an old man out of his home so his client could grab the land, and he could not for his life understand why I had a problem with that. It was legal, so ...?


WarPuig t1_j7qgg4z wrote

“But how do you know it was the money they received that made them do what they did? Bribes are legal.”


Maddcapp t1_j7sujfh wrote

I can’t imagine a time when that law would have made any sense. I wonder how it all came about and what the reason was, if it wasn’t pure greed.