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3720-To-One t1_j7rkw9o wrote


Ah yes, because conservatives’ bootlicking for police brutality is TOTALLY the same as supporting measures to counter Covid during a pandemic.

TOTALLY the same.


d1sass3mbled t1_j7rl83s wrote

They are. If you are wanting the brutalizers to support covid measures or seize weapons then you are licking the boot too. Personally, I'd prefer armed thugs not come to my house to shoot my dog or flashbang my kids for any reason.


3720-To-One t1_j7rr3z3 wrote

Who’s seizing weapons?

Lolbertarians sure love being melodramatic.


d1sass3mbled t1_j7rz1zf wrote

In Massachusetts? The police. Kudos on the well thought out response.


3720-To-One t1_j7sn5k5 wrote

Oh no, you’re so oppressed because you can’t own any weapon you want, no questions asked.

Libertarians are an absolute joke who have no clue what real oppression actually is.

And Covid proved that. Comparing Covid measures to police brutality just shows that you have no clue what actual oppression or persecution actually is.

Maybe someday lolbertarians will grow up and realize that they don’t exist in a vacuum, and living in a society requires some degree of sacrifice for the collective good.

Cry me a river.

And let’s be real, most lolberts still just vote Republican because all you care about is guns.


d1sass3mbled t1_j7svpmv wrote

Dumbass, you don't even grasp the basic concept here. You don't get to cheer for the police state when they enforce laws you like and then bash them when you don't like what they're doing. Try being consistent in your beliefs.

I wouldn't expect much else from a eunuch though. See, I can scroll through your post history and launch ad hominem attacks too, lol.


3720-To-One t1_j7u74u0 wrote

Once again, the bOTh sidEz brigade completely lacks any sense of nuance.

No, having basic rules for society to live by, is not remotely equivalent to cops murdering people over traffic stops, no matter how badly lolberts want to feel oppressed.


d1sass3mbled t1_j7wij9t wrote

Basic rules... Like the ones cops use as an excuse to initiate traffic stops when they don't like how a driver looks? Are those the same guys enforcing your basic rules?


3720-To-One t1_j7wj8ht wrote

Stay angry, lolbertarian.



d1sass3mbled t1_j7wn4y2 wrote

Nah, I've got no major complaints. Life is good. Believe what you want if it makes you feel better, but I think you may be projecting.