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alliknowis___ t1_j83bzuj wrote

There's a new feature they rolled out this year where you can access other stores in your district virtually from your store to help with data entry, insurance rejections, and verification.


thewhitemanz t1_j83m84e wrote

Oh yeah I know, but most people pharmacists only use it if they’re asked to by the DL. I guess that might’ve been the case, but if you see something in QV2 while you’re doing air support, you’re supposed to back out of it and move on.


alliknowis___ t1_j83pn6f wrote

Or reject it back to production instead of ignoring an error. Regardless I only popped in to mention AS is a thing. I used to do it to help other stores when I had time to kill during overnights, but now with tech hour cuts that's a thing of the past.