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jeremiah-flintwinch t1_j7u6xoj wrote

I’m a management professional and I work with entrepreneurs every day— and it ain’t a walk in the park starting a small business in Massachusetts. The cost of doing business in this state is simply insurmountable for most would-be entrepreneurs who live here.


IamTalking t1_j7u78br wrote

Sounds like the system is working quite well then if despite those challenges and risks, so many businesses exist


jeremiah-flintwinch t1_j7ucup4 wrote

I see your point, and I agree that this is essentially market forces squeezing out less fit businesses, which is sort of a good thing. But on the ground, what that translates to is that becoming a small business owner feels like it’s no longer a pathway to the middle class for a lot of folks in this state. A generation or two ago, anyone with the organizational skills and gumption to start a business had a fair shot. The odds are just much worse now.