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knowslesthanjonsnow t1_j8zl93d wrote

Succeeding as in buying a house? 80k pre tax isn’t very high. It’s take home about 60k


new_Australis t1_j8zm5dj wrote

Houses here are 150k and up. Mortgages cost less than an apartment. Wages are relatively high thus making house payments at an 80k salary not out of reach.

Some people like being able to move around and not being tied up to a mortgage.


knowslesthanjonsnow t1_j8zprpg wrote

I have been looking and maybe it’s my parameters but nothing is remotely close to that cheap.

A quick search right now has given me ~300-450k for old homes that either need some moderate renovation or a total gut job. Or downvote Springfield for 350k


knowslesthanjonsnow t1_j8zuupu wrote

Sure, perhaps those fit OP. They wouldn’t come up on my searches though so I was unaware those prices were possible.