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Shaylurker OP t1_j9vvt52 wrote

Thank you for the information. She will only have her Bachelor’s Degree when we move there. I wondered whether she might have to work as a paraeducator for a period of time while looking for a position. This post makes me feel more positive!

Thank you for the welcome. We are very excited for the transition


poprof t1_j9wgln9 wrote

I am a teacher in the pioneer valley. She will need ti pass both MTEL tests before getting her license as the state does not offer reciprocity with other states. Most districts will not hire her under a provisional license without those tests but a few would (Holyoke and Springfield).

Neither is prohibitively hard - she will also have a much easier time getting a job if she has her SEI endorsement - also a test/class.

Check the DESE website for certification routes she can take.

If she had these licenses - and especially if she has any experience in sped - she could get hired in my district today.

Jobs get posted in April and throughout the summer.

Good luck and best wishes.


Shaylurker OP t1_j9ygtte wrote

Thank you for all of the helpful information. Sounds like there are many tasks to be completed. Good to know the completion of these requirements will likely end in a teaching position somewhere in the valley!


_peteyfourfingers_ t1_j9vypuv wrote

I work in K-12, and I can tell you that we need teachers big time. I won’t say desperate…but a lot of staff fucked off after Covid. You’ll fit in just fine. Is there a reason that you’re going to Northampton in particular? Feel free to DM if you don’t want to share publicly.


Constant-Piglet2163 t1_j9y3whc wrote

Lots of opportunities for para just wait until spring/summer timing. She can work on taking the MTEL teacher tests when you get here to work on licensure. Mass is a great state to teach in. Welcome!


Live-Breath9799 t1_j9x4jgd wrote

It's probably more cost effective to work as a substitute teacher than a Para. The rates vary by district but paras make very little, like $14 bad.