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Hoosac_Love OP t1_j8hwxb3 wrote

I get that I read that. But how does one fall into a recycling bin,the wieght of the fall most likely cause the bin to be knocked over opening the top hatch leaving oxygene to enter the bin.Not the same as a drunk person falling into a bath tub and drowning and garbage/recycling can would fall if a person fell in or jumped in leaving the can open.


[deleted] t1_j8hykt4 wrote



Hoosac_Love OP t1_j8hzp2p wrote

If to much weight was thrown into a bin at once wouldn't it fall over opening the top hatch


kbmurphy217 t1_j8i0ts6 wrote

I don’t think so- live in the area and they are big sturdy bins. I’ve tossed stuff into( piles of heavy books) from a second story window and they barely shuddered


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_j8i0wgd wrote

It's kind of like the picture on the side of the Home Depot buckets with the baby going ass over teakettle into a bucket. If there's enough mass in there already it's going to be a bad situation.

This is an unfortunate situation for sure.