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Hoosac_Love t1_jde6azr wrote

Maybe if you paid all your bills then you might lose some ,if you have an acrewed bills then it will be applied.I re-aplied also in late october because mine was a renewal not a first apllication and I did not pay my gas bill and it had a balance of 900 something and fuel assistence paid the full $900 march 8.

If you have a back balance it's covered don't worry.

What happens to unused fuel assistence after april varries fuel company to fuel company ,you might ask them.My company Berkshire gas gives us a credit in the system and often I don't get another bill until september but I can't speak for your carrier.

Yes your gas and elecric bills will get a reduced rate for the full year.

Now that your approved your carrier knows you are approved next year they likely won't shut off for delinquent payment and then when the FA hits your account in march the back balance will be covered.


Competitive_Event_55 OP t1_jde995b wrote

Thanks! We managed to pay the gas (national grid) and electric (eversource) but barely. Sometimes, it would be a little late, and I would send what we could in increments.


Hoosac_Love t1_jdeaoc3 wrote

Now that you are qualified on your first year,requalification is much easier and national grid will now know by late december if you've requalified and you won't be shut off for non-payment.So next year you have no worries and you can let FA pay it all.

As far as this year I can't tell you because I have Berkshire Gas and they may be different that national Grid.Hopefully you'll get a credit!


Competitive_Event_55 OP t1_jdecm8k wrote

The application was lengthy, but we submitted everything. It was pending for about 3 months. I've been unemployed while going through treatment for breast cancer. We relied on my husband's income, and while having small kids at home, it sure was nerve wracking..especially with the price of groceries. I appreciate your response!


slouchingtiger414 t1_jdg9d15 wrote

Glad you were able to get approved! I’m sure it’s a help esp with the increase in fuel this year .


Hoosac_Love t1_jdedl7j wrote

The first application is awful ,from now on you only need to report changes ,but if no changes it's just sign and return next year