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[deleted] OP t1_jd8p6br wrote


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jd929qh wrote

I had a bed bug infestation in a previous apartment that was from the previous tenants who had moved out 4 months prior. The landlord had some work to do so it sat vacant. We eventually traced the source to an electric outlet on the second floor.

They are a tricky animal, however what I learned was that they don't travel long distances so chances are if you have bed bugs you brought them in.


[deleted] OP t1_jd92ojw wrote



FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jd9jwlb wrote

Yeah, I guess those two thoughts do kind of go against each other. What I mean is that they don't really go to your neighbors spaces until it gets to a level 10 infestation. If they can't detect heat or Co2 from a relatively small radius around them they just go dormant instead of hunting for food like ants would. So, well, I didn't bring them into that apartment, it did originate from my room. If we didn't open up that wall to look for that source and see what was obvious signs of an old infestation than it could have been pinned on me.

That incident happened in RI, so I can only speak to their laws which stated that in a single family house its the responsibility of the person renting to take care of it, but when its a multi-family unit the onus is on the landlord to fix it. I lived in a single family, so it was on us to fix it, but I had a baller landlord who helped me out by purchasing all the supplies I needed.