Username7239 t1_jdb7g4p wrote
You need an attorney
AllstarGaming617 OP t1_jdb8k68 wrote
Hoping to avoid that. The RMV confirmed that I don’t owe any fines, and they don’t see any motor vehicle related arrests on my driving record. Just that I’m required to take this course 1 time per each moving violation in order to reinstate my license. The course is only 100.00 and a lawyer seems costly to get me out of 2 of them. I’m more than willing to take it once, I can find time for that. But 3 times is impossible. I just spent 3 weeks in Europe and my business was really strained with me gone for so long. I literally don’t have the option to skip 2 or 3 work trips for these courses. Was hoping someone here had experience with having been given notice of needing to take the same stupid course multiple times and finding a way to reduce that. I mean it’s literally an 8 hour drivers ed course with a brainless test at the end, surely someone in the RMV system can see reason and realize that’s pointless. Shit I’d even pay for all 3 courses, but taking them is redundant as hell.
Username7239 t1_jdb8r9u wrote
The RMV will never see reason. You're capitulating to something you should never have to do.
AllstarGaming617 OP t1_jdb9uhd wrote
That’s the one marginal reason I do see need for an attorney. I think the biggest mistakes was not having one when I thought I had finally settled the matter with Newburyport. I screwed myself with that deal. I paid fines for “moving violations” in exchange for the misdemeanor of driving on a suspended license dropped. I believe they held me over a barrel and got the state off the hook for thier mistakes by getting me to pay for moving violations. I’m sure a lawyer or even someone level headed without my lingering annoyance would have realized that was a bad idea. My criminal record remained clear but my mass licensure still had all its strikes. That’s on me for caving and thinking “one last” payment would be the end of it as long as I kept meticulous record.
ManifestDestinysChld t1_jdccv87 wrote
Look at that rant you wrote above. Look at how poorly this has been going for you for like 20 years.
Do you want to keep doing the same thing, and continue getting fucked?
Then do something different, and get a lawyer.
The DMV is trying like hell to teach you that you are not actually solving this problem with your approach. Sounds like they're trying to teach you for the 3rd or 4th time now. Are you going to learn that lesson this time?
AllstarGaming617 OP t1_jde7man wrote
Admittedly you’re not wrong and I’m being overtly passive in trying to just achieve the end goal as simply as possible. The first two instances when I was 20 and 25 are excusable. My first two interactions with the legal system. The biggest mistake was not lawyering up on what I thought was the final issue in Newburyport court. My issue with litigation is time, and the fact that I think I may have shot myself in the foot when I thought I was finally settling the matter and got all the official documentation that everything was paid and my license was considered valid based on no fines being owed. Looking through the paperwork vs state law im worried I essential “plead” guilty for moving violations in return for having the misdemeanor of driving on a suspended removed from my record. That’s not how it was presented to me in court, and why I feel stupid for not lawyering up at that point. So I’m not sure a lawyer could do anything for me now.
weareeverywhereee t1_jdco13w wrote
FYI this course is garbage. I got 3 speeding tickets in a certain time so i had to automaticallly take this…Lowell connector is just one speed trap. It’s eight hours of the most basic shit ever, and beware to be appalled by your classmates. 90% of my class had multiple DUIs and hadn’t driven in like 10-15 years it was a joke.
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