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Poop-knife1 t1_jd021ua wrote

Worked as a cultivator there for 3 years, solid company and solid products.


Twocann t1_jd09g11 wrote

People in ag just say grower.


Poop-knife1 t1_jd0b1mk wrote

Good to know! In all of the professional cultivation facilities I've worked in, we've always been referred to as cultivators, and I feel my staff prefer the dignification of the full title. In our line of work, "Growers" grow weed at home, "Cultivators" grow it for the patients.


Twocann t1_jd0hvxr wrote

Demand all the dignity you want, it’s still growing weed. With the bulk going to rec use not medicine.


Cabes86 t1_jd2z7bu wrote

What was the point of this? You tried to correct someone who actually does the thing you’re talking about, then when they say that people (who actually do the thing) self describe otherwise, you pivot to disparaging them?

Why? Think about why you’re doing this and not something that would make the world better._