jaybarrywallybart t1_jcz265y wrote
But...where do you go to shop for 4/20?
swoldier_force t1_jcz2pj0 wrote
I don't smoke. This is discrimination! MODS!!!!!!!!!! /s
[deleted] t1_jcz3wi5 wrote
> I don't smoke. This is discrimination! MODS!!!!!!!!!! /s
Perma ban /sarcasm
I, too, have a sense of humor. Thanks for the laugh.
[deleted] t1_jcz50sw wrote
BearDen17 t1_jcz5d6v wrote
Nice! Good for them. I was really hoping it was going to be Temescal wellness because that’s my go-to shop.
Cheap_Coffee t1_jcz677d wrote
That's just funny.
jojenns t1_jczg6ke wrote
Thank god you have a sense of humor. Lot of people using you as a punchline today. My goodness
[deleted] t1_jczhop6 wrote
> Thank god you have a sense of humor. Lot of people using you as a punchline today. My goodness
It comes with the territory.
spitefulcum t1_jczi691 wrote
hairshirtofpurpose t1_jcziguk wrote
This is pretty hilarious.
bjanas t1_jczrsq0 wrote
Ok it just took me a solid five minutes on their site to figure out WHERE any locations are. Maybe I'm a jackass but damn I don't think it should have been that hard to find...
partybanana t1_jczzf8w wrote
You stock up on 4/19 so you can wake and bake, and not worry about it, obviously
SnooBooks5315 t1_jd0044m wrote
Look first then smoke 😂
Poop-knife1 t1_jd021ua wrote
Worked as a cultivator there for 3 years, solid company and solid products.
FriendlySocietyWhale t1_jd03uj5 wrote
Imagine the candy shop closed on Valentine's Day.
Twocann t1_jd09g11 wrote
People in ag just say grower.
[deleted] t1_jd0ayz0 wrote
Poop-knife1 t1_jd0b1mk wrote
Good to know! In all of the professional cultivation facilities I've worked in, we've always been referred to as cultivators, and I feel my staff prefer the dignification of the full title. In our line of work, "Growers" grow weed at home, "Cultivators" grow it for the patients.
LV42069 t1_jd0gwxa wrote
Working at a corporate VC-owned dispensary (ie one in Massachusetts) and seeing the overworked late 20s stoners look forward to taking 4/20 off was so depressing. They would spend half of their paycheck at the store, smoke morning until night every day of their lives and still for some reason look forward to this forced weed holiday.
But hey, good for Temescal I guess because they’re kicking themselves in the dick. 4/20 easily beats Black Friday in terms of revenue.
Twocann t1_jd0hvxr wrote
Demand all the dignity you want, it’s still growing weed. With the bulk going to rec use not medicine.
throwsplasticattrees t1_jd0ro9x wrote
Amazing Superstores closed too
waffles2go2 t1_jd0sn9v wrote
Stupid, what are they stoned?
Why not just pay the workers 2x because a ton of people will buy around/on that day so paying the bills is good because most MA dispos planned on $4k wholesale and it's now $1300.
phaedrus71 t1_jd1dfvv wrote
Not sure I agree with their business model but there’s only 500 dispensaries now - Mass runs on chronic
Time_Morning8145 t1_jd1hz1f wrote
That’s the best day for business tho
Db3ma t1_jd1plm1 wrote
Sons and daughters of Breeds Hill.
[deleted] t1_jd24gcp wrote
lilrasta2C666 t1_jd29r9i wrote
Work hard smoke well. When is mass going to get quality dispensary’s like maine has, double the cost of dabs damn straight ill drive an extra hour.
PeePooDeeDoo t1_jd2lcdj wrote
Paris take notes
BasicDesignAdvice t1_jd2p61h wrote
My wife works in the industry and yes, this is pretty dumb. 4/20 is a huge day for business. Just close the day after or something.
Cabes86 t1_jd2z7bu wrote
What was the point of this? You tried to correct someone who actually does the thing you’re talking about, then when they say that people (who actually do the thing) self describe otherwise, you pivot to disparaging them?
Why? Think about why you’re doing this and not something that would make the world better._
Hoosac_Love t1_jcyzbvv wrote
A good joint to work for