heavyiron382 t1_jd8277c wrote
Reply to comment by mrmackster in They’ve Been Warned: Attorney General Says Suburbs ‘Must Comply’ With Transit-Oriented Housing Law by psychothumbs
Not sure what town you live in but my home town and the surrounding towns have seen nothing but student population growth. My current town and surrounding towns have also seen the same issue. In both cases there are more 2&3 bedroom units as opposed to 1 bedroom. I do agree the 1 bedroom would be only adults. Multi bedroom units I disagree as most are for either small families are single parents.
Also, it did take a few years to see the additional student population, because well, birds and the bees.
paddenice t1_jd8dfac wrote
You’re heavily arguing against this policy but sidestepping most of the impacts with your “northern Worcester county” region. Why are you carrying water for the other towns significantly more wealthy than you in your town? It’s baffling.
heavyiron382 t1_jd8gft3 wrote
Because my town is affected just as much as the much wealthier towns. We have to follow the same mandates as the 128 region. There are no compromises unless you want to and can afford to be "punished".
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