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TerryPistachio t1_jd8ocnf wrote

A lot of people depend on family for child care. 3 hour commute for grandma to watch the kids is unreasonable


[deleted] t1_jd8p25d wrote



TerryPistachio t1_jd8r00z wrote

Yes no family with children under 7 should own a house.


Mortgages even for expensive homes can be less than rent here. Especially with an FHA.


[deleted] t1_jd8rz6d wrote



TerryPistachio t1_jd8wmvy wrote

It seems you dont really know what you meant


[deleted] t1_jd8x09a wrote



TerryPistachio t1_jd8xgao wrote

Why do you feel the need to be so unpleasant to strangers on the internet? Why act like such a tough guy?


You're taking what I said to an extreme example. Of course, if they literally can't buy a house they can't buy a house. That's not who I'm talking about.


[deleted] t1_jd8xkc8 wrote



TerryPistachio t1_jd8y708 wrote

Or maybe I misinterpreted what you said. Just like you are misinterpreting what I said.


When I bought a home child care was not significantly less expensive in western MA. In fact they're still some of the most expensive in the entire country. So by moving far from family you aren't avoiding that cost. Childcare is WAY too expensive in this state.


[deleted] t1_jd954kv wrote



TerryPistachio t1_jd95rj7 wrote

>But you argued that I didn't know what I said? Curious.

Yeah you seemed to be arguing in bad faith. You seem to still be because I clarified those are not the people I'm talking about.


[deleted] t1_jd95x91 wrote



TerryPistachio t1_jd96ash wrote

Could you elaborate on what you mean by double down? Are you referring to when I admit I misunderstood you?


I don't understand how I doubled down. I now know that's not what you meant. When I wrote that I thought you were arguing in bad faith.


Im confused.


[deleted] t1_jd997rz wrote



TerryPistachio t1_jd9a9rd wrote

Yeah, I dont think that anymore. I did when I wrote it. Upon further elaboration, I realized I misinterpreted what you said.

Kind of strange to ignore that part.

As well as this part that you are literally responding to:

>I now know that's not what you meant. When I wrote that I thought you were arguing in bad faith.

I was wrong- I admit that. Why do you want to argue about what I said that I already admit was wrong?


Left-Rooster9600 t1_jd9jut4 wrote

Why not if they can afford it?


[deleted] t1_jd9k1kw wrote



Left-Rooster9600 t1_jd9oitm wrote

There are many reasons to depend on family for child care that aren't money.

I'm on call constantly. I drop my kids at my parents in laws with no notice multiple times a week sometimes. I pay a whole lot for day care but outside those hours I depend on family.

>If you absolutely need your parents to provide child care, as in you couldn't afford to send your kids to a daycare/after-school care, you aren't earning enough to maintain a house.

I don't think anyone here thinks if you don't have money to buy a house you should buy a house... You can't, it's not really an opinion just a fact


[deleted] t1_jd9pgjq wrote



Left-Rooster9600 t1_jd9qui6 wrote

>Rough situation

I wouldn't say so! I work a whole lot less than 40 hours a week, and make enough that the nearly 25,000 in daycare is ok. That's for two kids and I also get to spend 4 days a week with them (only in daycare for 3 days) unless of course I get a call.

Overall I spend more time with my kids than almost anyone I know


Left-Rooster9600 t1_jd9r9af wrote

>>They will let you buy a house even if you can't afford to keep it up. I was pre-approved for a mortgage that was half my income. It's crazy.

What's truly crazy is that people pay more than half their income just to rent a place. Tough to have an option not too if you don't make much money.