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[deleted] t1_jd9pgjq wrote


Left-Rooster9600 t1_jd9qui6 wrote

>Rough situation

I wouldn't say so! I work a whole lot less than 40 hours a week, and make enough that the nearly 25,000 in daycare is ok. That's for two kids and I also get to spend 4 days a week with them (only in daycare for 3 days) unless of course I get a call.

Overall I spend more time with my kids than almost anyone I know


Left-Rooster9600 t1_jd9r9af wrote

>>They will let you buy a house even if you can't afford to keep it up. I was pre-approved for a mortgage that was half my income. It's crazy.

What's truly crazy is that people pay more than half their income just to rent a place. Tough to have an option not too if you don't make much money.