listen_youse t1_jdvalyj wrote
When you can afford to secure your monopoly by owning all the spaces where a competitor might set up shop
Dizzy_De_De t1_jdvmsha wrote
^This. Stop & Shop did this for years (90's - 00's) in eastern & central Mass towns to secure their empire. Smaller supermarket chains would close and they would buy out the leases and/or purchase the buildings.
ivegotafastcar t1_jdvx2fh wrote
S&S did this in Eastham, Ma when MB was looking for an area to open a store on the outer Cape. The bought up a perfect tract of land that is still sitting dormant right on Rt 6.
The_Moustache t1_jdwky3r wrote
They did it in Bourne too, right next to the rotary. Pretty much forced the best airsoft/paintball field in New England out when they bought it
Ialnyien t1_jdwir55 wrote
Big y does the same. All retail companies do. If you really want to get upset and angry look into the companies that pay rent to themselves via a shell company.
Happy_rich_mane OP t1_jdveo1e wrote
I just the question the logic from a public governance view. Why would you want a grocery chain in your local community that is almost entirely automated and tracks your biometrics and face while you’re inside.
Dizzy_De_De t1_jdvna47 wrote
If the buildings are in an industrial or commercial zone, then zoning laws may tie local politicians hands.
Laurenann7094 t1_jdvnwza wrote
Nevermind the number of trucks doing 90% of the wear and tear on the roads (that they won't be paying for). The amount of trash that they produce. And the possibility of things like drone drops in the future.
When we have plenty of jobs and not enough housing, it makes no sense. But the city council is always falling all over themselves thinking they will get Fortune 500 money in the coffers. They never do.
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