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tehmeangene t1_je5uhp7 wrote

You'll still probably need the actual card regardless on if you only use the commuter rail or not since discount fares only show up in mticket if you've linked a CharlieCard that gives a discount. That's how it works for seniors and the disabled.


deezfuccinnutz OP t1_je5ux9j wrote

Yeah I put my “normal” school ID code in the app and it went through but idk if when I used the ticket and they asked to see my card if they’d be like “that type of ID doesn’t work for that”

Edit: I use to have a M7 in the app (so maybe it just used that code, I doubt it but a possibility) I believe bc my boy gave me to it bc I was poor as shit 💀 but I might apply for the youth pass program I know that would work


tehmeangene t1_je5vhro wrote

You probably won't know until it comes up. That having been said, I've never seen a conductor ask to see the CharlieCard for any student, senior or disabled mticket. They'll usually check for active ticket and the zones you're traveling and move on.

Edit: Same goes for the CharlieTickets as well. But you'd have to get them from the ticket office and those guys will check.


deezfuccinnutz OP t1_je5vlc1 wrote

My boy said that to but thought I’d ask just in case