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Hoosac_Love t1_jbg81yc wrote

I'm not from metro Boston but drugs are regulated by the state and federal government and not by municipality.

So no ,here is an article very recent about the possibility of certain hallucinogens being legal soon but not now.Municipalities can't make there own drug laws.35 years ago the town of Wendell made pot legal and the state right away said no way.


BannedMyName t1_jbg8iud wrote

Yeah but it was Wendell who had the last laugh


Hoosac_Love t1_jbg9gl2 wrote

How so,you mean like all the illegal grows in the forest.

I had a friend who was walking in Wendell state forest some years ago and found a canabis patch but was confronted by a man with a rifle wearing camoflage.