Submitted by ep2992 t3_11mtssc in massachusetts
umassmza t1_jbjppo9 wrote
Dang, that’s really nice, great job!
bernadetteee t1_jbjsa63 wrote
Makes it look a lot better
Enragedocelot t1_jbjtyg2 wrote
fuck that's awesome
bingbong6977 t1_jbjvg7y wrote
luniese t1_jbjwnzd wrote
Nice work!
[deleted] t1_jbk25ne wrote
MindYourMouth t1_jbkgsrj wrote
This is really cool. I love your style
techdog19 t1_jbkip6n wrote
Too clean. Excellent painting though.
BEERSxOFxWAR t1_jbkoqo0 wrote
Anyone else see transformers
matt_cb t1_jbl0mmp wrote
Really cool painting!
ThxBenevenstanciano t1_jbl1yl0 wrote
Lovely! I like to think you painted this live while a train was stalled on the track for hours.
themangeraaad t1_jbl8bf3 wrote
That's the first thing I saw. Then I saw a train.
ep2992 OP t1_jblicmf wrote
haha its very likely
winter-14 t1_jblydkg wrote
Is that fire behind the glass?
tours37000 t1_jbm8556 wrote
It’s beautiful just the way it is. Any attempt to make it more realistic would ruin the concept and the crisp contours of the design. Its perfect.
BOOMERS_BEGONE t1_jbmkn31 wrote
[deleted] t1_jbmnn39 wrote
Chippopotanuse t1_jbmorvl wrote
Omg. Came here to say the same thing
Training-Shoulder839 t1_jbni6ku wrote
Fallout 4
lilrasta2C666 t1_jbp5pne wrote
Was going to say i couldn’t have been the only one.
OPRAH_IS_MY_BUDDHA t1_jbvh7vf wrote
Keep spending most our lives Living in a gangsters paradise
tiny-starship t1_jbjp7bh wrote
that's awesome
.... needs more soot ;)