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ExpatJundi t1_jbm42hg wrote

The school made a deal with him allowing him to resign. When the chief of the UMass Dartmouth police informed other departments about the allegations the school threatened to fire the chief. ACAB though, right?

>Despite the agreement, Fioravanti shared negative things about Laudon with other departments on at least two occasions, according to a former UMass Dartmouth police officer and union steward who spoke to investigators. Both times, a school human resources executive reminded him about the agreement. And after the second occasion, she reportedly warned Fioravanti that he would be fired if he did it again.


Phrag t1_jbn5bc9 wrote

>The report also alleges the UMass Dartmouth police chief at the time, Emil Fioravanti, did not treat the allegations seriously and “failed to conduct a minimally competent investigation.”
>Fioravanti, now the chief of police at Wheaton College in Norton, refused to speak to Blackstone investigators and did not return messages from WBUR seeking comment.

Sounds like Fioravanti complied with the cover up, then shut up and moved on to save his career, so yeah ACAB.


PrettyKittyKatt t1_jbmfqxe wrote

I almost feel like this could be cause the school has more of a financial incentive to do that? Chief brings attention to this—-> people see UMass Dartmouth as a bad school——> enrollment drops? Idk it could also just be that it’s just an extremely corrupt institution. Some palms were probably greased.

Also the chief did the right thing, which is great, but the bar’s pretty low if we are patting him on the back for this.


Blawdfire t1_jbpdafr wrote

> ACAB though, right?

Both the cops and the school admin can be in the wrong here.

Was wondering why it smelled like bacon in here until I read through your comment history. Do you have a personality, or is it just violence and oppression?


ExpatJundi t1_jbpgpcc wrote

Reading my post history and interpreting anything as "violence and oppression" is a serious insight into your world view.


Blawdfire t1_jbpi07m wrote

Your core interests appear to be guns, tactical gear, military, Israel (a notorious human rights abuser), UFC/MMA, and "law enforcement"

Did I miss anything?