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PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jbmgxyf wrote

So again, show me how people with only a GED are more likely to be child molesters. Someone please make the connection because I don't see it. Is their some data available? Because the problem in this story is a child molester.


bostonbananarama t1_jbpmpfv wrote

Isn't the story regarding a cop sexually assaulting a student at UMass Dartmouth?


ThreeDogs2022 t1_jbmhlam wrote

Should i put larger spaces between the words? This isn't hard to understand. It *reduces access*. Predators seek access to victims. They seek the quickest way to achieve access to their victims. By increasing the difficulty of the barrier to the position, you are going to turn away people who don't have a genuine vested interest in the work.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jbmjdqb wrote

Your take is hilarious and based on fantasy. Want to make it harder to be a cop, absolutely, claiming that has anything to do with child predators is hilarious. Civil service exam, background check, drug test, physical fitness test, psychological exam, police academy that lasts 3-6 months depending on the state/department. If that isn't enough hurdles to stop someone who is simply looking for victims, then having a degree wouldn't be either. A GED also gets you a job at Chuck E Cheese or the local batting cages, for without all those hurdles and way more access to potential victims.


Nobel6skull t1_jbmjrqp wrote

Instead of repeating yourself you should try coming up with an argument actually holds water. Because you’re a long way off from that.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_jbmk2nu wrote

Ok, so what you're telling me is that you dropped out of school, you're feeling pretty goddam self-conscious about it so you're making this story about you. You should work on that.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jbmlcxh wrote

Based on your theory everyone who wants any job where they might potentially interact with a child should have a PHD or equivalent to prove they aren't a predator. Fantasy land.