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abhikavi OP t1_jebu2pp wrote

It sounds like our system has been individual bylaws; so it's Board of Health bylaws that Citizen's Time go under, not city-wide bylaws. And so, Board of Health can just vote to repeal those for themselves. (They have not done that yet; one member tried to hold a vote, and the compromise agreed upon was that Citizen's Time would be pulled for next month's meeting, and a vote will be held then.)

I'll be bringing this up with my town reps, as I'd feel a lot more comfortable if it took a city-wide debate to remove public forum options. Or even state wide; I might also contact my state reps.


1000thusername t1_jebufjt wrote

Sure. If you find they’re not warm to it because of the paranoia you’ve referenced, depending on your town’s specific requirements, you can type something up, get the required # of voters to sign it, and it has to go into town meeting for a vote. Bylaws by the people!