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spyda24 t1_jefwygm wrote

Glad they changed it, makes me Wonder what they do with traveling nurses who move to an area for 3 months? They do have to get that area’s registration too?


dunksoverstarbucks t1_jeg4h5d wrote

some ass hat was pissed that this person stole "their spot" so they complained


spyda24 t1_jeg5c1u wrote

Yeah, this is probably the most likely case. So many people that lived here, visit here, have/don’t have residency here and don’t have a MA registration for more than 30 days.


oklahummus t1_jegb3ny wrote

This 100%. I had a neighbor in JP who put space savers in front of their house year round.


TheCavis t1_jeg5bdf wrote

They're also probably fine. The law, as written, makes an exception if you have liability insurance, aren't using the car as a company vehicle, and don't let MA residents drive the car.

It was basically written as a "don't register in NH to avoid taxes and insurance when you're living in MA" law, but the RMV just skipped the very specific "except" clauses when applying it here.


Hoosac_Love OP t1_jefyxsb wrote

Travelling nurses or other workers with either get rental cars or taxi vouchers,I have dealt with transiant workers and taxi vouchers when I drove Cab years back.Higher paid white collars would get a rental car for sure.


therealcmj t1_jeg43d5 wrote

Not necessarily.

When I go somewhere for work I am on an expense account. But that doesn’t mean I don’t drive my own car. It’s my choice - take cabs or Uber/Lyft, rent a car, or expense 55c per mile. For lots of people having their own car is more convenient and saves them from parking it at an airport or wherever and worrying about it while you’re away.


spyda24 t1_jeg52k3 wrote

How do those that drive their own cars do?


[deleted] t1_jeg5r3e wrote



ohhgrrl t1_jegi375 wrote

How do you make this post and add misinformation in the comments? Do you even k ow the story?