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FIFAFanboy2023 t1_je014ml wrote

I'm not worried about the electrical load, I'm talking about the compounding difficulties that a lot of people who live in 3 deckers simply in terms of parking needs.


SeaworthinessLeft88 t1_je04qfg wrote

Are you asking how we would provide chargers for public parking on the side of streets? Because that solution already exists. You can mount L2 chargers right on utility poles. It’s fairly easy, since you have a direct line to 240V at whatever amperage you want to provide for the chargers. There has already been a trial in Melrose, in Seattle, in LA, and in Europe.

We already have the technology there, and the engineering challenges are trivial. It’s just a matter of public investment.

And if you’re instead asking how 7 EVs parked in a triple decker would charge right now, I would note that nobody is forcing anyone to buy a BEV right now. We’re at the early adoption phase, and building out charging networks like this is a goal of both federal and state governments including with funding provided from the bipartisan infrastructure law.