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Mr-Chewy-Biteums t1_istmwc6 wrote

>maybe they would require YOU to take the individual coverage and then they cover you husband and daughter.

No, Masshealth will not cover someone if they are eligible for coverage through a family member. I went through that a few years ago.

I was on Masshealth. My (now) wife had insurance through her job. We got married and within a surprisingly short amount of time Masshealth dropped me like a bad habit, telling me I was now ineligible due to the availability of family coverage.

Just like OP, my wife's premium went up 5X. And it's pretty weak insurance too. Lots of copays and deductibles. We went to the financial aid office at our local hospital because they advertise that they can help people find what's available, and their response was that that's just how it is. The employee said that in their office they joke about how Masshealth breaks up marriages.


Thank you


ShawnaR89 OP t1_istp66e wrote

Ugh that’s super depressing. Thanks for sharing your experience