Submitted by FopFiller1312 t3_yctdnt in massachusetts
A_Sensitive_Cod t1_itoa9k2 wrote
avoid chain places, local coffee shop/bakery
quetejodas t1_itodqyh wrote
Used in a sentence: "you feelin donks today?" "Fuck no"
HammerfestNORD t1_itogx2n wrote
#Fuck no.
MuchachoManSavage t1_itpd01e wrote
Who says dunkies? They need to be ex-communicated.
spiked_macaroon t1_itpf7xp wrote
Coffee for people who don't like coffee
013loudmouth t1_itpsgup wrote
never once in my life heard anyone refer to dunks as dunkies
starrybarry8 t1_itpzubx wrote
The biggest brain massholes call it “Dunkin’s”
GreatAndPowerfulNixy t1_itq0b01 wrote
Right? Everyone I know around the whole calls it Dunk's.
MatthewMcDerpFace t1_itq276b wrote
I accept the bottom 3, I have never heard a single person say "Dunkin" despite them marketing it like that. I feel like Dunkies was a 90s south shore thing.
Reaper0700 t1_itq4gas wrote
Yup, I'm from the South Shore in the 90's. I and all my friends from there call it 'Dunkies' or 'Dunks' depending on sentence construction. But not a lot of others seem to use 'Dunkies'.
eastcoastflava13 t1_itq4yxw wrote
Dunks 4Life
FopFiller1312 OP t1_itq590g wrote
I've always said dunks, but I've met people who are more "Boston" than I who say dunkies
[deleted] t1_itq5i77 wrote
jp_jellyroll t1_itq6e7s wrote
My parents still say, "Dunkin Donuts," because they've lived here for 40+ years... And I say "Dunks" mostly due to millennial apathy.
But I've never heard anyone say, "Dunkin" outside of the commercials. And no one has ever called it "Dunkies." What in the friggin' fuck is that.
FopFiller1312 OP t1_itq6l6n wrote
I refuse to give their rebrand to "dunkin" any credence
doctor-rumack t1_itq8wnu wrote
Vanilla nut taps!
somegridplayer t1_itqd37c wrote
You got this from the one painful fake boston accent tiktok girl who makes cringy townie videos didn't you?
Kissfan07 t1_itqdcul wrote
Fuck outta here
Kissfan07 t1_itqdinu wrote
“Go back to Stahbucks!”
chevalier716 t1_itqk2zy wrote
I've only ever heard it said ironically.
ShrimpWiggle t1_itqkbg9 wrote
Yep, south shore kid. Dunkies all day, kid
iznelrrr t1_itqkbz1 wrote
And pay $5 for a coffee? I’ll passssss
A_Man_Who_Writes t1_itqkd1w wrote
Literally no one says Dunkies
mmmjjjk t1_itqmd85 wrote
Avoid small business. Dunks is our salvation
coolpotato14 t1_itqmq3u wrote
My daughter called it "dunkie donies" when she was 5 lol. I usually say dunks but sometimes I'll bring that out as a joke with my family
coolpotato14 t1_itqnefm wrote
I usually say dunks.. but dunkies adds some extra flair. My daughter used to call it dunkie donies when she was little and I still call it that sometimes for fun lol
rob691369 t1_itqofsv wrote
This is the way!
Pappa_Crim t1_itqppub wrote
Thomas_Perscors t1_itqqpcw wrote
Thomas_Perscors t1_itqr4tp wrote
I mean I say dunkies. Am I mocked and ridiculed? Yes, but I still say it.
Lovelyone123- t1_itqrqm6 wrote
Everything about dunkin sucks
Lovelyone123- t1_itqrwbk wrote
I would rather spend 5 dollars on a good coffee then 3 on a shitty one.
sydlabb t1_itqt9mm wrote
I’m in trouble then !
[deleted] t1_itqtaqm wrote
sneakyleary t1_itqu2h0 wrote
I grew up in Saugus, always called it Dunks and I had never heard it called Dunkies until I met my wife who grew up in Woburn. It still bothers me when she says it. Idk why.
A_Sensitive_Cod t1_itqu8i5 wrote
the people who still go to dunks is kelly, kim and your wife when she leaves my place.
RagnarBaratheon1998 t1_itque33 wrote
If it’s good I will on an occasion. Otherwise I just go to Cumbies for 99¢ decent coffee
AgitatedEggplant t1_itqujor wrote
AgitatedEggplant t1_itqun6e wrote
Dunkies is real goo-goo ga-ga energy
VaultBoyFrosty t1_itqvjjy wrote
You can't smoke in here
mrhuggiebear t1_itqvrxk wrote
Nasty and overpriced
VaultBoyFrosty t1_itqvzfa wrote
Me: Goin'a-Dunks, what'cha want?
Lady Goin'a: Large Hot FrenchVanilla ExtraExtra with a turbo shot
Me: yes M'lady 🧝🏽♂️
AgitatedEggplant t1_itqws9b wrote
Grab a crullah, extra lahge, 3 Pahliments, take a big dump that's kinda the routine
CloroxWipes1 t1_itqwxjt wrote
Pond water is better than their coffee.
iznelrrr t1_itqx36m wrote
Thats what im sayin free coffee fridays are unbeatable
Local_Theme2498 t1_itqx6ne wrote
Dunkin yo nuts
Excellent_Fee2252 t1_itr09k3 wrote
Dunks > Dunkies
jamaicanoproblem t1_itr0x1g wrote
Pretty much everyone in my graduating college class called it Dunkies and it rubbed off on me. I would have a hard time calling it anything else at this point.
[deleted] t1_itr1tmv wrote
techsavior t1_itr4jno wrote
It’s pronounced “khed.”
Excellent_Fee2252 t1_itr5mkg wrote
Excellent_Fee2252 t1_itr5w2h wrote
There’s a commercial going around that’s like
“My Wife said if I like Cumbies coffee so much, why dontcha marry it? So I did”
& then it shows a Cumbies cup in a wedding gown.
Cracks me up.
Excellent_Fee2252 t1_itr621u wrote
Fuckin Honey Dew kehd /s
Excellent_Fee2252 t1_itr64zm wrote
Major 🧢
TheFlabbs t1_itr7bpm wrote
Imagine doing this when 7/11 does freshly ground coffee for $1.59
Davidicus12 t1_itr7foa wrote
Same thought. Lived here my whole life and haven’t heard dunkies even once
ZzenGarden t1_itr7i01 wrote
Yeah my brain also wants to explode at the thought of a cup of cream and sugar with a little watered down coffee added to it
The-Appointed-Knight t1_itr8t74 wrote
Never heard anyone say Dunkies out here on Western MA. Sounds like something a dumbass would say.
FrostBellaBlue t1_itr9z1k wrote
In these parts of the woods we just call it DnD
Just_Another_Gamer67 t1_itrd9zm wrote
Always dunkies or dunks
Pepper_Brooks11 t1_itrilly wrote
Spunkin’ Blonuts
Omphaloskeptique t1_itrvth3 wrote
cucu_freedom t1_itry2hg wrote
we call it Double Ds
[deleted] t1_itry435 wrote
Acrobatic_Resource_8 t1_its61zz wrote
Nah ked, ‘s always been Dunkies ovah heah.
Acrobatic_Resource_8 t1_its6aoq wrote
South Shore here. We say Dunkies, so I mean you’re not totally wrong.
Ill_Long5021 t1_its7r7z wrote
The name Dunkies not so much but I admire your conviction. The hell with the haters.
Nonsheeple_Funnyluv t1_itsbzqf wrote
Kissfan07 t1_itsg4il wrote
Damn. I married your sister.
lovingtech07 t1_itsgiq8 wrote
Dunkie Dunks
Minute_Plant6499 t1_itsh95b wrote
Dumbkin Dumbnuts
Late_Birthday_20 t1_itt8ldw wrote
in worcester its been dunkin donuts or just DD my whole life. but now i mostly only call it dunkin donuts to rebel against the dumb rebranding that was made to appeal to snapchat streaking, mom jean wearing, asmr video watching gen z kids. is it a petty thing to get upset about? sure. do i give a solitaire shit? NOPE.
A_Sensitive_Cod t1_itteixt wrote
i'm really happy for you two, after she transitioned we thought that finding romance would be difficult.. but you are such a positive light in a dark world.
Key-Ad-8468 t1_ito9kvz wrote
Dunkin’ my nuts on your chin