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quetejodas t1_itodqyh wrote


Used in a sentence: "you feelin donks today?" "Fuck no"


sporky211 t1_itovuuv wrote

Pittsfield on the top Boston on the bottom the middle is just the closer you get


MikeyPx96 t1_itoyjgt wrote

We gotta go to Dunks, get gas at Cumbies then bang a u-ey and head to the packie for some nips and a tallboy.


013loudmouth t1_itpsgup wrote

never once in my life heard anyone refer to dunks as dunkies


starrybarry8 t1_itpzubx wrote

The biggest brain massholes call it “Dunkin’s”


jp_jellyroll t1_itq6e7s wrote

My parents still say, "Dunkin Donuts," because they've lived here for 40+ years... And I say "Dunks" mostly due to millennial apathy.

But I've never heard anyone say, "Dunkin" outside of the commercials. And no one has ever called it "Dunkies." What in the friggin' fuck is that.


somegridplayer t1_itqd37c wrote

You got this from the one painful fake boston accent tiktok girl who makes cringy townie videos didn't you?


nixiedust t1_itqr9n8 wrote

Nah. Life's too short for crap coffee. It's just not good.


sneakyleary t1_itqu2h0 wrote

I grew up in Saugus, always called it Dunks and I had never heard it called Dunkies until I met my wife who grew up in Woburn. It still bothers me when she says it. Idk why.


Spin_Me t1_itqu9z9 wrote

MaryLou's is better than Dunks'


VaultBoyFrosty t1_itqvzfa wrote

Me: Goin'a-Dunks, what'cha want?

Lady Goin'a: Large Hot FrenchVanilla ExtraExtra with a turbo shot

Me: yes M'lady 🧝🏽‍♂️


CloroxWipes1 t1_itqwxjt wrote

Pond water is better than their coffee.


MrPeAsE t1_itr1bd1 wrote

Is shit and to be avoided at all cost. Everything tastes like cardboard.


ZzenGarden t1_itr7i01 wrote

Yeah my brain also wants to explode at the thought of a cup of cream and sugar with a little watered down coffee added to it


The-Appointed-Knight t1_itr8t74 wrote

Never heard anyone say Dunkies out here on Western MA. Sounds like something a dumbass would say.


FrostBellaBlue t1_itr9z1k wrote

In these parts of the woods we just call it DnD


JimAbb t1_itrk6oc wrote

Dunks > Dunkies


Ill_Long5021 t1_its7r7z wrote

The name Dunkies not so much but I admire your conviction. The hell with the haters.


Tukietoes t1_itsad9x wrote

Dunkies needs laser eyes. <ducks>

And Starbucks smells like burnt shit. Literally I went around the office looking for the culprit w/shit on their shoes -- it was a bag of Starbucks french roast. 💩


beechnut5 t1_itskilz wrote

The last frame is how 14-year-old me felt when I heard someone call Cumberland Farms “Cumbies”


Late_Birthday_20 t1_itt8ldw wrote

in worcester its been dunkin donuts or just DD my whole life. but now i mostly only call it dunkin donuts to rebel against the dumb rebranding that was made to appeal to snapchat streaking, mom jean wearing, asmr video watching gen z kids. is it a petty thing to get upset about? sure. do i give a solitaire shit? NOPE.