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modernhomeowner t1_itxtr2f wrote

”[Police] don't have quotas, just a suggested number of encounters.” - My cousin, a state police officer, when asked about quotas. Lol.


RevengencerAlf t1_iu0hbeh wrote

MA state police officers have the most amazing mix of being prolific liars and being so bad at telling convincing lies on the planet.


capybroa t1_iu4fz0k wrote

Well you don’t really have to be a good liar when you have the power of the state behind you. Whatever you say becomes the official story by default!


RevengencerAlf t1_iu4wdbe wrote

Even if they didn't There are still far too many bootlicking sycophants who fly thin blue line flags and worship police in general. Plus all of the supposed free thinkers who don't explicitly worship cops but ignorantly repeat dumb bullshit about bad apples and believe the lie that there are loads of good cops out there trying to do the right thing at all times.