Submitted by Separate_Match_918 t3_xv3b3r in massachusetts

I don’t drive often so I don’t really know the culture of speeding on the pike and how well it’s enforced. However, this weekend I drove back to Boston from Lake Placid and I noticed that NY and MA seem to handle highway double fine zones very differently. In NY the double fine zones seem to start and end within a mile of visible works zones. Massachusetts on the other hand seems to just just throw up a double fine work zones anywhere they please for what seems to be the entirety of the mass pike. Is this just laziness, super cautiousness, or maliciousness (providing cops with the opportunity for writing heavier tickets)?

Alternative explanations welcome



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parad0xIl t1_iqzazyb wrote

Just have to drive faster to get through it faster


Peeeculiar t1_iqzeh37 wrote

Most work zones shut down over the weekend and overnights. During the week they are active work zones.

The road signs are in place for the duration of the project, are installed to withstand weather and high wind conditions and are not taken down when the workers' shifts are over.


Tacoman404 t1_ir1nolp wrote

The crew who does the signage is a way different crew who does the work I think the issue is. Their schedule has to line up for them to come back and remove signage. If there is turnover or things aren’t documented right then they might not come back at all.